Fatty liver disease is also known as hepatic steatosis that happens when fat builds up in the liver. Most people associate fatty liver with drinking excess alcohol, but this disease is quite common among non-alcoholic. The liver is the second largest organ in the human body, which processes nutrients from food and drinks and purifies the blood.

The body stores fat in many regions for energy and insulation. The liver partially comprises fat. However, too much fat in the liver can lead to liver inflammation that can damage the liver and create scarring. If the fat content in the liver is excess, it may be a sign of fatty liver disease. There are two types of fatty liver disease- alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It is estimated about 30-40% of people in India suffer from fatty liver disease and it is one of the leading factors to liver failure. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is quite common among those who are obese or sedentary and who eat a highly processed diet.
Food for fatty liver disease

The fatty liver disease damages the liver, hindering it from performing bodily functions such as eliminating toxins and producing bile for digestion. This increases a person risk of developing several problems in the system. Dietary modifications, staying active and leading a disciplined lifestyle are the primary ways to manage fatty liver disease.

Also Read: Fatty Liver: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Diet For Fatty Liver

A fatty liver diet mainly focuses on eating a wide range of wholesome foods. Limiting overall calorie intake and consuming fibre rich natural foods is the key in improving liver functions. While having foods that contain complex carbs, fibre and lean protein deliver a steady supply of energy and promote satiety. Foods that lessen inflammation and help the body repair its cell are essential. Furthermore, a low-fat, reduced-calorie diet can help a person lose weight and lower the risk of developing fatty liver disease.

A plant-based diet or the Mediterranean diet is found to be beneficial for a person suffering from fatty liver disease, as this diet combines the right kind of nutrients like healthy fats, antioxidants and complex carbs that helps to reduce the fat content in the liver.

Foods To Include:


Evidence has strongly revealed that a person with fatty liver disease who consume coffee have less liver damage than those who do not drink. Caffeine is credited to lower the number of abnormal liver enzymes in people who are at high risk of liver diseases.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy veggies like spinach, broccoli, Brussel sprouts and kale are packed with fibre and vitamins that help to avert the build-up of fat in the liver. While these veggies also keep you satiated, reduce calorie intake and aids to shed surplus kilos.

Soy Products

Soy and soy products are loaded with proteins, fibre, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that may lower fat build-up in the liver. While soy being low in fat and high in protein diminishes triglycerides level in the liver by partially restoring the function of a key signalling pathway in the organ.


Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel are abundant in omega 3 fatty acids. Adding fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids reduces inflammation, prevents scarring of liver cells, and improve liver functions.


Whole grains like oatmeal, wheat, quinoa etc., offer the body a steady source of energy. Loaded with fibre, these grains keep you satiated, shed belly fat, and reduce the risk of liver disease.

Also Read: Liver Health: 5 Superb Foods That Helps To Boost Liver Function-Infographic

Nuts /Seeds

Nuts and seeds are bestowed with omega fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants that may shield the liver from oxidative stress, combat free radical damages and improve liver functions.


This powerful herb not only adds flavour to foods but, garlic has the potential to burn belly fat, lose weight and lowers the risk of developing fatty liver disease.

Foods To Avoid

Some of the foods contribute to weight and uncontrolled blood sugar, these foods should be avoided or limited for people with fatty liver disease which include

Alcohol: Alcohol consumption should be totally avoided as it is the main cause of fatty liver disease.

Sugary Foods: Refrain from having sugary foods like cakes, pastries, cookies, candies, sodas, and fruit juices. These foods increase fat build-up in the liver.

Deep-fried foods: Avoid eating foods like French fries, chips and doughnuts that are high in both fat and sugar. These types of foods will spike blood sugar levels and elevate the risk of fatty liver disease.

Salt: Limit the intake of salt or sodium to less than 1500 mg per day. Eating too much salt holds on excess water weight.,

Refined Carbs: White bread, pasta, rice, and foods made with maida is highly processed that can spike sugar levels.

Red meat: Avoid eating red meat and organ meat, as these are high in saturated fat and sodium.