Today is World Iodine Deficiency Day or Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Day and it is celebrated to raise awareness among people about the importance of vital mineral iodine in the diet and focus on the effects of iodine deficiency disorder.

Iodine is an essential mineral needed by the body to produce thyroid hormones-thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and you must get iodine from the diet. These hormones play a crucial role in the body’s metabolism, growth and development and failure to function optimally leads to thyroid disorders. It is also vital for bone and brain development during pregnancy and childhood. The recommended dietary allowance of iodine for normal adult is 150mg/day. Also Read: Things To Know About Thyroid

Statistics reveal that about two billion people are affected by iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) and one of the prime causes of preventable mental disability. In India about 200 million are at risk of IDD and 70 million suffer from goitre and other iodine deficiency disorder.

Iodine deficiency can lead to various health and mental developmental disorders and even mild IDD can greatly impair the learning ability. IDD can lead to goitre, neuromuscular weakness, hypothyroidism, hearing, speech and vision impairment. A severe form of iodine deficiency results in cretinism, stillbirth and miscarriage. The richest dietary sources of iodine is common salt and other sources include milk, whole grains, egg, milk, shellfish and sea fish. The easiest and most effective way to prevent IDD is to add iodized salt in your diet.

iodine rich foods