The World Health Organization celebrates World Health Day with the intention that all people should be able to realize their right to the highest possible level of health. This is also the guiding principle behind their mission of “Health for all” – something they have been advocating for the last seven decades. On their 70th anniversary, the WHO intends to call upon global readers and remind them of the pledges they made three years back in 2015, and ask them to renew their commitment to improve the health of all people. The idea behind this is that goals can be achieved if political will is strong.

World Health Day 2018

This year, we too can be a part of the global World Health Day movement by making a simple pledge.

1)      Pledge to take one simple step to improve your personal health. Start by dropping these bad habits, Read more

2)      Join the ‘Health for all’ movement. Share your health tip and #HealthForAll. Let others get inspired and spread good health.

The WHO stakeholders aim to inspire, motivate and guide. Take a leaf out of their books:

  • Inspire—by being a part of the change.
  • Motivate—by sharing examples of how you are making a difference.
  • Guide—by sharing health tips that have worked for you