World Health Day is one of the foremost global wellness events observed annually on April 7. This global initiative is organized by the World Health Organisation (WHO) since the year 1950, to educate the general populace about widespread health concerns, highlight chronic ailments, and contemporary diseases plaguing the world’s population, and provide significant remedies to resolve the anomalies and promote overall health and wellbeing of the people. 

Also Read: World Health Day 2022: Simple Tips To Ensure Physical, Mental And Emotional Wellbeing

This year on April 7, 2023, alongside World Health Day, WHO celebrates its 75th anniversary, an event to look back and commemorate the successes achieved in the public health sector that have vastly improved the quality of life during the last seven decades. The theme of World Health Day 2023 is, “Health For All”, which emphasizes the need for not only fit individuals but also healthy societies, communities, cities and countries as a whole to take progressive actions to tackle the health challenges of today and tomorrow.
World health day 2023 

Also Read: World Health Day 2021: Useful Tips To Maintain Work-Life Balance Amidst COVID-19 Lockdown

Health is Wealth and we all value life as it is the most important asset which we possess. From eating more plant-based food, avoiding junk and oily stuff, limiting the intake of alcohol and tobacco consumption, incorporating exercises, and sleeping on time to using home remedies to boost innate immunity, even the most casual individual can make sincere changes to lead a healthier lifestyle. But sometimes, even after being in the pink of health, one may fail to avoid an emergency.

In most cases, medical emergencies arise while people normally live their lives — working, shopping, exercising, sleeping, eating, or travelling. People often get scared and wonder whether it's best to call 102 for the ambulance or go straight to the hospital. But, when a medical crisis befalls, it is extremely crucial not to simply panic and to know what to do to avoid fatal happenings. 

Prioritize Your Health On This World Health Day. For Any Medical Help, Consult Our Inhouse Doctor Right Away

While some manifestations are understood and stimulate people to act right away, there are other indications, that people often take it lightly and just let go, only to suddenly welcome a more severe form of the underlying disease. 

In this 2-minute read, we focus on 5 such extreme emergencies that require immediate medical assistance.
World Health Day 2023

5 Medical Crisis That Needs Immediate Hospitalization

Heart attack

A Heart attack occurs when the heart does not get enough blood causing a major portion of the cells of the heart muscles to get damaged and die due to oxygen deficiency.  

While symptoms may differ in men and women, some of the concerning common indications include:

  • Pain and discomfort in the chest region
  • Shortness of breath
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Cold sweats
  • Pain in the neck or jaws or shoulders or upper arm
  • Unusual tiredness 

Do not ignore these symptoms if you see them in yourself or a closed one and get immediate help. Survival might be possible if the patient gets medical treatment within 90 minutes of the heart attack.


While some may confuse a stroke with a heart attack, they are two very different medical situations. A Stroke occurs when the brain cells decease due to an inadequate supply of blood. This medical emergency can arise either due to haemorrhages (excessive bleeding in the head) or due to ischemia (blockage of the blood vessels due to clots in between).

The common manifestations of stroke include:

  • Slurring of speech or a total absence of speech despite being wide awake
  • Drooping of lips and one or both the eyes 
  • Inability to smile or show any expressions
  • Inability to move or lift the arms
  • Numbness in one or both arms 
  • Blurred vision
  • Mental confusion
  • Unbearable headache 
  • Dizziness
  • Sudden blackout 

Dial up the emergency helpline number right away if you notice these symptoms, as the patient requires immediate treatment within 3-4 hours for survival.

Breathing Difficulty

There can be several reasons why someone may face difficulties while breathing. While breathlessness is commonly noticed during a strenuous exercise session, after running or during any other physical activity, a sudden breathlessness without any physical cause may be a warning sign of sudden asthma attacks, allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), panic or anxiety attacks, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, lung collapse, obstruction of the airways etc. 

Some of the symptoms of breathlessness includes:

  • Pain when taking deep breaths 
  • A feeling of heaviness in the chest
  • Laboured breathing
  • Shallow, rapid breathing
  • Noisy breathing including a wheezing sound (dyspnea)
  • Feelings of being suffocated
  • Heart palpitations

If someone is experiencing breathing difficulties, they may panic more, which can eventually impact their breathing. In such situations, try to keep them calm and seek medical attention straight away.

Head Injury 

A head injury usually occurs when an object hits hard on the head. The head is abundantly supplied with blood, and a head injury may often lead to internal or external bleeding. While external bleeding is treated promptly, even a head injury without any visible blood loss should not be taken lightly and get checked right away. An internal injury can often shape into a far more dangerous condition causing blood to get accumulated under the skin and leading to brain damage or brain dysfunction.

Symptoms of an internal head injury include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness for some time 
  • Mental confusion or memory loss
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Blurry vision
  • Unequal size of pupil
  • Changes in taste and smell
  • Photophobia
  • Poor balance
  • Seizure
  • Blood or fluid coming from ears or nose

These manifestations are common signs of a concussion or a more serious injury. If you or a close one exhibit any of these symptoms after a head injury, consult a doctor at the earliest.

Fits or Convulsions 

A convulsion or seizure can be described as an uncontrolled, rapid and rhythmic shaking of the muscles all over the body due to repeated contraction and relaxation. It primarily arises due to abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. 

Some of the concerning symptoms include: 

  • Shaking of the entire body 
  • Frothing or drooling at the mouth
  • Behavioural changes 
  • Abnormal movements of the eyeball
  • Grunting and snorting
  • Clenching of the teeth
  • Sudden fall

While in most cases, the epileptic episode may stop on their own after some time, care should be taken at preventing further damage or injury to the patient and maintaining clear airways to avoid choking. Make sure that the victim is not held down to suppress the incessant shaking. Safely make the person lie down to prevent head injury due to a sudden fall. Remove any sharp objects present around them to protect the head and body. Do not put anything in the victim’s mouth as tongue biting and bleeding from the mouth are commonly noticed during an episode of fit. Loosen the clothing around the neck to prevent choking. Reassure the victim until medical help arrives.


Making oneself aware of these medical emergencies helps you deal with the situation in a better way. But when doing so, try being calm to take the necessary steps. Call the emergency helpline number or the ambulance service to get proper medical help to initiate the treatment as soon as possible and help save a life.