World Epilepsy Day is observed today with an aim to promote awareness and emphasize the problems faced by people with epilepsy. Statistics reveal that about 50 million people globally live with this condition. In India, about 6-10 million people live with epilepsy and more than fifty percent of the cases are reported in children. Though it is not a contagious condition and in most of the cases there are no known causes and it might be due to a disease or any injury, stroke or infection. Also Read: Epilepsy: What Is It?

National Epilepsy day is also observed in India on November 17 where free detection and treatment camps are organized in most of the states. Epilepsy is a global health condition and it needs utmost care for people suffering from it.

Seizures happen as a result of strange and intense activity in the brain. It is a central nervous system disorder and brain activity becomes abnormal resulting in seizures or uncommon behaviours and loss of consciousness.

Epilepsy can attack both men and women of all ages. Seizures symptoms may differ for each individual, some may blindly stare while others may jerk their arms or legs.

Medications can effectively manage, treat and help to keep seizure to a low level. A ketogenic diet is generally prescribed for an epileptic patient which is a low carb and high-fat diet that helps to prevent seizures. In most cases, certain triggers or changes in habits are the causative factors behind seizures.

Epilepsy Prevention 

Some Of The Triggers Or Habits Which Prompt Seizures Are:

  • Stress and emotional outbreaks
  • Alcohol or drug overuse.
  • Sleep deprivation, insomnia or changes in sleep pattern.
  • Any change in the regular medication or a missing dose of anticonvulsant drugs.
  • In certain cases, bright lights, watching television or the computer screen or playing video games for longer duration might trigger.
  • Hormonal imbalances in women.
  • However, in certain cases, there might be no obvious reason for the seizure attacks.

Preventive Measures To Minimize The Risk Of Seizure Attack

  • Prevent traumatic brain injury, ride safely wear seat belts and helmets to avert accidents.
  • Get adequate sleep at night, have a regular sleep pattern and adhere to it.
  • Manage stress, practice meditation, relaxation techniques, yoga and deep breathing exercises to boost mood and combat anxiety and depression.
  • Stay away from alcohol and drugs.
  • Minimize screen timings - TV or computer whenever possible.
  • Keep away from bright, flashing light and other visual stimuli.
  • Follow a healthy and well-balanced diet regimen. Also Read: Learn About Dietary Management For Epilepsy 
  • Taking necessary supplements like vitamin D, calcium and other essential nutrients to strengthen the bones and minimize the risk of fractures.
  • Go for regular exercise to stay fit and lead a healthier lifestyle.
  • Practice good hygiene and cook food safely to prevent cysticercosis infection a leading cause of epilepsy. It is caused by a parasite and unhygienic food practices.


Preventing seizures and other health issues are part of seizure management. Patients should adapt to changes in their lifestyle and environment to minimize the chance of seizures. Seek immediate medical attention if you find it difficult to adhere to the treatment plan.