Epilepsy is a medical disorder that causes chronic seizures. Epilepsy is caused due to brain disease, genetic condition, injuries and most of the time causes are unknown. Some of the common symptoms include unconsciousness, muscle contractions, convulsions, weakness, loss of sensation, lip-smacking, fidgeting, confusion, and sleepiness after the seizure.

The length of the seizure remains totally unpredictable. Some seizures may last for a few seconds, whereas others may end up into loss of consciousness or fall. Hence, make sure to stay with the patient until the seizure lasts or the patient gains full consciousness.

Seizues: First Aid & Safety Precautions

Following are the general first aid steps to help someone having a seizure:

  • Attention must be paid to the length of seizure. Try to note down the timing of beginning as well as the termination of active seizure.
  • Loosen clothing and any jewellery around person's neck that hampers breathing.
  • Do not give anything into the person's mouth, and do not hold the tongue or force the mouth open. This may also cause injury.
  • Clear the area around the person and remove any objects that could injure them
  • Call for help if the seizure lasts longer than the patient’s usual events.
  • Patient must not be forcibly held down, as this will actually not help to stop the seizure.
  • People around should stay calm as other person’s reaction may affect the patient’s response to seizure.
  • Look if breathing pattern is normal. Liquids, food and pills must be avoided until person is fully alert.
  • Once seizure ends, make the patient comfortable by letting him sit in a safe place. Try to talk to the patient about the incident calmly and reassuringly, once the patient is alert and can communicate. This will ensure faster recovery of the patient from seizure.
  • Don’t allow too many people to surround the patient, as this may cause a sort of embarrassment and confusion.