There is no substitute for blood. This essential oxygen and nutrient-transporting fluid to the entire body is vital for us to stay alive. In India, the blood transfusion demand arises every three seconds, thus the importance of donating blood cannot be reiterated enough. In a dire attempt to draw attention to the importance of blood donation, its significance in saving lives, and emphasizing the necessity of blood and plasma donations, every year World Blood Donor Day is held on the 14th of June. The slogan for the 2023 World Blood Donor Day theme is “Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often.”  
blood donor

Also Read: World Blood Donor Day: 5 Common Myths Debunked

Are you aged between 17 and 60, weighing 50 to 160 kilograms? Do you have appropriate veins?  If yes, there is no reason you should shy away from donating blood. That said, of course, the doctor will check all prerequisites to ensure the safety of the donor as well as of the recipient. If an individual meets all donor eligibility requirements, blood donation is something that every human should do, at least occasionally.

Also, Read World Blood Donor Day: Know The Importance And Benefits Of Donating Blood

General Misconceptions About Blood Donation

When it comes to whole blood donations, several misconceptions hover around us. While some may be true, most are just half-baked stories doing the rounds through social networking sites. Here are the most common myths floating around regarding blood donation:

If You Have A Tattoo, You Can’t Donate

Untrue. If you got a tattoo in the last three months applied by a state-regulated facility using sterile needles and fresh ink and it is completely healed, by all means, you meet all blood donor eligibility requirements and unlike what some sites say, you can very well donate blood.

If You Are Avid Smoker

Smoking does not disqualify you from being able to donate blood. The only precaution is after you have donated, doctors recommend you avoid smoking for at least 4 hours to avoid dizziness. 

If You Are Diabetic

Diabetics who are well-controlled on insulin or their oral medications are eligible to donate. But they should wait at least ten weeks between blood donations.

If You Are Alcoholic

There is no refusal to donate blood if you are an alcoholic unless you are inebriated on the day of blood donation. As per blood donation rules, you cannot give blood if you are under the influence of alcohol for the last 48 hours.

If You Are Taking Blood Pressure Medication

Blood pressure medication does not prevent you from being a blood donor. If your blood pressure levels are between 180 (systolic) and 100 (diastolic) at the time of blood donation, it is safe for you to donate blood. 

Also Read: Blood Typing Test: What Is It And What To Expect?

Who Cannot Donate Blood?

While the process of donating blood is noble and painless, unfortunately, some people should not donate blood or may have to wait. Let us know about these individuals.

  • A person who has donated blood in the last 3 months has to wait for another blood donation
  • If under certain medications, steroids, antibiotics, or blood thinners you cannot donate
  • If you are suffering from a cold, flu, fever, or other acute illnesses you cannot donate blood until it is cured
  • If the interested donor has tested positive test for HIV or has had sexual contact with a person who was HIV positive, he or she cannot donate
  • If you have had sex with a new partner or more than one partner in the last 3 months, you can’t donate
  • If you have a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, you cannot donate blood until your anemia is cured
  • Cancers involving blood cells such as leukemia, or lymphoma, or you have blood-related health issues you cannot donate
  • Patients with heart-related symptoms within the last 6 months are not eligible
  • People who have tested positive for hepatitis B or C cannot donate blood ever
  • If the person has been infected with malaria, a three-year wait after completing treatment is a must
  • If you have recently received a vaccination, you may be required to wait for some time 
  • A person who is suffering or suffered from tuberculosis cannot donate
  • A person who had any major surgery in the last 6 months must wait until recovered