Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase in every woman’s life that comes with many physiological changes as well. However, certain health issues may be bothering, one such concern is the persistent itching which most pregnant women experience. With the constant changes in your hormones levels and extra blood pumping, side effects like itching are no surprise. Moreover, the body normally gains weight during pregnancy, which also results in itching, primarily in the lower abdomen and breasts.

However, severe uncontrollable itching would be due to a serious medical problem intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy that affects the liver and prurigo which needs prompt medical care.

Pregnancy itching

Causes For Itchiness During Pregnancy

Itchiness during pregnancy is mostly caused as a result of changes that develop in the body which includes:

  • Increased blood supply to the organs
  • Stretched skin
  • Hormonal changes
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Skin changes and tiny spots all over the body
Some of the medical conditions that can cause itchiness includes:

Cholestasis: It is a liver disorder categorised by a build-up of bile acids in the blood that causes feelings of itchiness.

Pruritic Urticarial Papules And Plaques Of Pregnancy (PUPP): It is a condition where itchy rashes appear around stretch marks during late pregnancy.

Prurigo: It is categorised by crusty, itchy bumps on the arms, legs, or abdomen that can appear in any trimester.

Fret not, here are some safe, natural home remedies which are effective in easing itchiness caused during pregnancy and offer you with needed relief.

Get Relief From Itching And Inflammation In Your Private Parts With Our Wide Range Of Essential Oils and Aloe-Infused Soothing Gels!


The natural anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties of oatmeal help in dealing with itchiness and inflammation of the skin. Aventhramides the potent antioxidant compound in oats is responsible for soothing itchy and irritated skin. Also Read: 5 Amazing Ways Oatmeal Based Products Revamp Skin Health

How To Do

Take about 1 cup of oatmeal adds this to a tub filled with water, bath in this tub for 20 minutes. Repeat this process once daily to get respite from itchiness.

Coconut Oil

The essence of lauric acid in coconut oil works as an effective anti-inflammatory agent that helps in calming the itchy skin. Aside from this, being a natural moisturiser, coconut oil works wonders in healing common skin woes like dry skin, psoriasis and eczema. Also Read: Virgin Coconut Oil: Uses, Nutrition And Health Benefits

How To Do

Take some coconut oil in your palm rub well and gently massage the oil onto the affected regions. Allow it to soak well for 30-40 minutes or leave it on overnight before rinsing it off. Do this process once daily to get calmed from itchy and irritated skin.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is a time-tested remedy for treating several skin problems and infections. Packed with phyto-components aloe vera gels exhibits anti-inflammatory, soothing and cooling properties to lessen itching and dry skin.

How To Do

Gently massage aloe vera gel to the affected regions, allow it to stay for 30 minutes and rinse off with water. Repeat this process 2-3 times in a week for the best result.

Essential Oils

Essential oils like rose geranium and juniper oil are valuable in treating itchy skin owing to their strong anti-itch and anti-inflammatory properties. These oils also aid in lessening inflammation and swelling.

How To Do

In a mixing bowl add about 10-12 drops of any one of the essential oil blend with 2 tbsp. of carrier oil like coconut. Apply it to the affected regions and let it stay for an hour before rinsing it off. Do this twice daily to alleviate itchiness.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice possesses a soothing property that is valuable in lessening itchy skin issues. It is also a good antimicrobial agent that wards off any germs present on the surface of the skin. Besides these, the acidic nature of lemon juice helps in balancing the pH of the skin, thereby reducing inflammation of the skin.

How To do

Take about 1 tbsp. of lemon juice and mix well with a quarter cup of water, dab a cotton pad in this solution and apply it to the affected regions. Let it stay for 30 minutes before rinsing it off.

Besan Flour

Besan flour is one of the best natural remedies for treating all skin and beauty woes. The humble kitchen ingredient works amazing well in providing instant relief from skin irritation, inflammation and itchiness.

How To Do

Take about 1 tbsp of gram flour, mix well with curd to form a fine paste. Apply it on the affected regions, let it dry and then wash off well after 30 minutes. Try this once daily for the best results.

Additional Remedies

Cold Compress

Applying an ice pack to the affected region's aid to ease inflammation of the skin and offer respite from itchiness. The cold ice can instantly soothe irritation and itchiness.

How To Do?

Take the ice pack and place it on the itchy areas for 2-3 minutes. Apply ice packs as and when you need to provide instant relief.

Calamine Lotion

Calamine lotion is the sure-shot remedy to ease itchiness on the stomach region during pregnancy. It lessens itchiness and impedes any irritation or inflammation from reoccurring.

How To Do?

Apply calamine lotion and massage gently all over the stomach. Repeat this twice a day to get respite from itchiness.

Lifestyle Modifications To Manage Itching

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids helps to maintain skin well-nourished and hydrated, which can reduce itching. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, and consider adding hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumber, and oranges to your diet.

Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids

 Omega-3 fatty acids are vital nutrients for sustaining skin health and can help ease inflammation and itching. Add foods rich in omega-3s, such as fish (like salmon and sardines), flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts to your meal plan.

 Increase Antioxidants

Antioxidants can help safeguard skin from damage caused by free radicals and reduce itching. Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables packed with antioxidants like berries, grapes, spinach, and carrots, in your meals.

 Avoid Trigger Foods

 Some foods can trigger or worsen itching. These may include spicy foods, caffeine, and foods high in sugar. Pay attention to your body's response to different foods and avoid those that increase itching.

Include Vitamin E

Vitamin E is highly valued for its skin-healing properties. To soothe itchy skin, include foods rich in vitamin E, such as almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, and avocados. 

Preventive Tips

 Follow some of these preventive measures together with home remedies for the best result.

  • Maintain the skin well hydrated and moisturised, especially if you have dry skin
  • Use mild soaps and lotions, as heavily scented ones, may worsen the issue
  • Avoid taking hot showers as they tend to dry skin out, resulting in it itching more
  • Pat dry after shower using a soft towel
  • Always wear loose and light fitting clothes
  • Do not overuse loofahs
  • Use mild detergents to clean your clothes
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Do not wear wet clothes or swim dress for a long duration as they may promote fungal growth


Pruritus in Pregnancy

Biplov Adhikari; Heather Hall; Karen Carlson; Moien AB Khan.

Assessment and management of itchy skin in pregnancy

Sarajane Ting   Rosemary Nixon