Ageing is an irreversible process. Despite many ongoing efforts to turn the body clock back by many years, the reality is that there is very little which can be done to stop the body from the process of ageing. Some cells in the organism can be replaced, and some damages can be delayed, but at the end of the day slowing down ageing by a few years is the only solution, considering many biological constraints.  As we hit our thirties and forties, the body undergoes many changes. Besides hormonal flip-flops, the need for calcium and a few nutrients becomes high. After 35, bone breakdown occurs faster than the build-up. Similarly, after thirty, we begin to lose muscle mass at a faster pace. Age-related muscle loss, called sarcopenia starts to set in leading to muscle weakness and reduced mobility.

Also Read: Don’t Take Teen Years For Granted: 5 Reasons Why It’s the Best Time To Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to skin health, collagen production diminishes after thirty and goes down drastically as we reach our forties. Hair growth also gets affected.  Doctors and fitness experts worldwide reiterate that the only key to delaying ageing and enhancing longevity is regular exercise, restful sleep, and consuming a balanced diet.

Benefits Of Healthy Eating Habits

  • While wine and alcohol are a part of any festivity and celebration, alcohol is not a part of any healthy diet, and the best is to keep it in moderation. Heavy alcohol consumption causes longer-term effects such as liver damage, cancer, heart disease, and mental disorders.
  • Using psychoactive substances even once in while is not going to do any good. Say no to any of them
  • Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can gift your body
  • Reduce salt as much as possible once you hit your thirties. Our tastebuds do not take much time to adapt, and they enjoy food with less salt in it
  • Say no to processed foods, salty sauces, and condiments. Always go for fresh healthy snacks over processed foods
  • Limit intake of sweets and sugary drinks such as liquid concentrates, flavored water, energy, and sports drinks, ready-to-drink tea, and coffee leading to weight gain and obesity
  • If canned or dried vegetables are to be used, choose varieties that have less added salt and sugars
  • Check the labels on every food product and go for products that display a low sodium content

Also Read: New Year 2023: Here’s Why You Should Make Lifestyle Changes. Secret Recipe Inside

Starting from the first month of the year, take one step at a time and incorporate simple lifestyle changes to stay super fit and lead a disease-free life. Foray into this infographic to know more:
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