Have you ever felt these sudden, intense episodes of overwhelming fear and anxiety, shortness of breath, choking, and palpitations? You might have experienced a panic attack that can occur at any time in the day without any prior warning, often mimicking those classic symptoms of a heart attack.  

Panic attacks can be terrifying, but the good news is you are not alone in complaining about this. According to doctors, 1 in every ten adults experiences it yearly, and about one-third of the population goes through this at least once in their lifetime. Panic or anxiety attacks are most common in women than men and manifest differently from person to person. Some of the common symptoms of panic attacks include: 
Panic Attack

  • A sudden surge of fear 
  • Strong sense of an impending negative occurrence like losing a loved one
  • Shortness of breath and choked feeling in the throat
  • Dizziness and light-headedness
  • Nausea and stomach discomfort
  • Tingling sensation in the extremities
  • Abrupt breakout of hot flashes or chills
  • A strong urge to run away from the room or house

 What Causes Panic Attacks?

 Many factors can trigger an instant panic attack, and it is essential to understand the underlying causes contributing to its onset. 

Also Read: Dopamine: Structure, Crucial Functions And Adverse Effects

 Biological Factors:

 Though hard to believe, genetics is crucial in triggering a panic attack. Certain genetic and biological factors causing abnormalities in the brain structure, its functions, and imbalance of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine can predispose an individual to panic attacks. If your family members suffer from instant episodes of panic and anxiety, talk to your doctor about the same. 

 Personal Trauma:

 Certain stressful life events, such as losing a loved one, emotional heart breakups, job-related pressure, and divorce, can trigger panic attacks. These episodes are common in patients with various phobias and unpleasant life experiences. 

 Anxiety Sensitivity:

 Some people can cope with anxiety easily, and others may crack even under the slightest pressure. If the anxiety level increases, it can manifest into a panic attack causing above mentioned bodily symptoms. 

 How To Overcome Panic Attacks?

 Panic attacks are extremely unpleasant and scary events, and they can be handled with a combination of self-care techniques, therapy, and, in some cases, medication. Here is how you can get over panic attacks.


 Practice pranayama or deep breathing techniques to bring down panic attacks. Gaining control over your breathing pattern can lead to immense relaxation of all the muscles in your body, thus reducing anxiety. Make it a habit to practice mindfulness techniques to avert panic attacks. 

Also Read: Pranayama: Health Benefits, Types and Techniques To Breathe Easy

 Lifestyle Changes:

 Practice consuming a well-balanced diet, walking, or workouts for at least 30 minutes daily. Avoid excessive intake of caffeine, alcohol and stop smoking, as they can contribute to the symptoms. 

 Build A Support Network:

 Seek help from close family members and friends. Talk to them about your fears for understanding and guidance. Consult a therapist to share your experiences and learn techniques for facing challenges if needed. 


 Panic attacks can be very fearsome and distressing, but they can be avoided by practicing proper coping strategies. If these episodes are chronic, seek professional help from a psychiatrist or a therapist for further guidance and support to lead a fulfilled life.