Calorie restriction is necessary for losing weight, but there is a limit. Most people have questioned its existence, and fitness enthusiasts have blamed starvation mode for making it hard to lose weight. Adaptive thermogenesis is the medical term for starvation mode, which does exist.

What Is The Starvation Mode?

Starvation is a state of severe lack of caloric intake, below the level needed to maintain a normal life. It can be caused by famine, poverty, dieting, or eating disorders. When the body does not receive enough nutrients, it begins to break down its tissues, including muscle, to obtain the energy it needs. This can lead to a broad range of health conditions and can be life-threatening if not treated.


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Symptoms of Starvation

Feeling Cold

A study published in the journal Aging found that calorie restriction lowers the core body temperature, so a person may feel extremely cold.


In starvation mode, you would be eating very minimally, which can make you feel constantly tired. You may find it hard to complete regular tasks and daily routines without sufficient calories.

A study revealed that undernourished athletes regularly experienced fatigue that prevented them from participating in sports activities. Also, female athletes were reported to exhibit low energy levels, decreased bone mineral density, and missing periods.

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Constant Hunger

The key mantra to losing weight is to ensure you feel satisfied even when you are on a calorie deficit diet. Starvation mode makes you always hungry. Your diet does not provide adequate food to satisfy you, elevating your food desires.

A study found that a person who reduced their daily calorie intake by 40% for a day felt remarkably hungrier the following day. Additionally, undereating increases cortisol secretion in the system. Increased stress hormone levels contribute immensely to weight gain and obesity by promoting hunger.


Poor eating habits can result in constipation. This may happen even if the diet contains ample reserves of fibre.


Lack of essential nutrients in the diet is one of the causative factors for mental health problems. You may not be getting enough nutrients that have a beneficial and positive effect on your mood. Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, iodine, folate, and vitamins D and B complex are some of the nutrients you may be lacking.

Hair loss

Hair loss is a sign of severe calorie restriction that indicates you are not getting the vital nutrients required to keep hair healthy and strong. Protein and healthy fatty acids are some of the key nutrients to prevent hair loss.

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Missing Periods

Amenorrhea is a medical condition in which a woman misses at least three menstrual cycles in a row. When your body is starving and deprived of the nutrition it needs for the proper functioning of the reproductive system, these issues may happen. These nutrient deficiencies affect the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, resulting in several health conditions.

Mood Swings

People on severe calorie-restricted diets developed anaemia, apathy, fatigue, irritability, neurological issues, and oedema in the lower extremities. Malnutrition can affect brain function and mood, leading to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and apathy.

Poor Sleep

Sleep disturbance and insomnia affect a large number of people who follow a rigid diet.


Muscle weakness is common in starvation due to the body's breakdown of muscle tissue for energy.

Dizziness and Fainting

A lack of nutrients can cause a significant drop in blood sugar levels, leading to dizziness and fainting spells.

Poor Wound Healing

Starvation can impair the body's ability to heal wounds, leading to slow or incomplete healing.

It's important to note that these symptoms can differ depending on the intensity and period of the starvation. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Starvation can have severe health consequences and should be addressed with proper medical care and nutrition.


Starvation: Early Signals, Sensors, and Sequelae1

Mary F. Dallman, Susan F. Akana, Seema Bhatnagar, M. Elizabeth Bell, SuJean Choi, Alan Chu, Cydney Horsley, Nancy Levin, Onno Meijer, Liza R. Soriano

Habitual Starvation and Provocative Behaviors: Two Potential Routes to Extreme Suicidal Behavior in Anorexia Nervosa

Edward A. Selby,1 April R. Smith,1 Cynthia M. Bulik,2 Marion P. Olmsted,3 Laura Thornton,2 Traci L. McFarlane,3 Wade H. Berrettini,4 Harry A. Brandt,5 Steve Crawford,5 Manfred M. Fichter,6 Katherine A. Halmi,7 Georg E. Jacoby,8 Craig L. Johnson,9 Ian Jones,10 Allan S. Kaplan,3 James E. Mitchell,11 Detlev O. Nutzinger,12 Michael Strober,13 Janet Treasure,14 D. Blake Woodside,3 Walter H. Kaye,15 and Thomas E. Joiner, Jr.1,*