None of us is alien to the fact of how beneficial drinking eight glasses of water can be for good health and longevity. Even scientific studies prove that keeping the body adequately hydrated can have a positive impact on your energy, mood, memory, and clarity, and thus improve overall productivity. But what if we tell you that there is a type of water that will not only hydrate you faster but also augment your bone, skin, and heart and nourish all the other organs? Sounds unbelievable, doesn't it? Well not at all, that’s the wondrous drink, commonly termed Alkaline Water!

What Is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water can be simply defined as water that has a higher potential hydrogen (pH) than regular drinking water. The pH level of any given solution is usually measured by the number of hydrogen ions that exist in each solution. While high concentrations of hydrogen ions yield a low pH (acidic substances), low levels of hydrogen ions on the other hand result in a high pH (basic substances).

Also Read: Alkaline Diet: 5 Incredible Alkaline-Rich Foods That Promote Overall Health

The regular water we get at home always contains some amounts of dissolved solids including minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium, but alkaline water tends to have a slightly higher amount of total dissolved solids, which thereby increases its pH level. Regular drinking water is primarily neutral with a pH level of 7 whereas alkaline water is slightly basic with a pH level of about 8 or 9.

Also Read: Wellness With Water: Try These Wonderful Herb-Based Home Remedies For Boosting Overall Health

Stellar Benefits of Alkaline Water

The potential concept that alkaline water furnishes the body with medicinal and curative traits lies in the notion that the presence of toxins (which have acidic properties) in the body and blood is the major perpetrator behind ill health, diseases and infections that need to be neutralized to bestow the body with optimal health and well-being.

The remarkable health incentives of Alkaline water primarily come from the four major minerals that contribute to its medicinal essence. These include:

Sodium: Regulates blood pressure and promotes muscular and neural functions

Potassium: Maintains normal fluid levels, regulates muscle contractions, and nerve signals and promotes digestion

Calcium: Improves bone health, and promotes functions of the heart, muscle, and nerve

Magnesium: Helps convert food into energy and is highly essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body

Well, now that you are well acquainted with the multi-faceted benefits of drinking alkaline water, foray through this infographic to know how this ionized drink will lead you to better health.
Spectacular Health Incentives Of Alkaline water