There is a very famous saying that says, there is no life without sodium chloride. Human life is impossible without table salt, and much as water is imminent for our survival, salt that we use every day in homes aka sodium chloride is a prime component for our bodies and one of the most abundant minerals on the planet. An essential nutrient for many animals, plants, and human beings, most of the body's sodium resides in the bloodstream and in the fluid which is around the cells. The function of sodium is to help the body keep electrolytes levels up and running. These electrolytes become more important during pre-workout sessions and in fact, sodium is a lot more useful for strength training and workout regimens as the body loses a lot of them when we sweat. Sodium works in tandem with another component called potassium which is another important set of electrolytes that does not let the body lose important minerals.  If the body does not get enough sodium as well as potassium, it may cause energy levels to go low, and eventually, the body gets fatigued, thus unable to bear the workout stress which could lead to very less contraction of the muscles.

Also Read: Sodium: Functions, Dietary Sources, Deficiency Diseases And Risk Of Hypertension
Sodium For Health

Functions Of Salt

Sodium or salt helps to regulate several key functions in the body such as nerve function, blood volume, and maintaining an acid-base balance, besides aiding muscle contraction which is very important during workout regimens. When there is less sodium intake, the body tries to compensate for it in several ways. Consuming too little salt may lead to increased levels of bad cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin resistance, and hyponatremia. However, this process can decrease the fluid volume of muscle cells and they may cease to grow. A proper sodium intake can increase muscle size by adding more fluid volume to the muscles which in the long run also improves the leverage in the joints. Apart from this, certain amino acids are dependent on sodium which implies these acids can only enter muscles when accompanied by a specific sodium molecule.

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Sodium consumption comes with many myths. In contrast to what people think, salt may not always contribute to causing excessive water retention in a healthy body. However, one must be mindful of using salt and it should not exceed the required daily intake. Himalayan salt and rock salt are some good examples of salt which can be used instead of normal refined salt.  

How To Use Salt As A Pre-Workout?

You should be taking salt as a pre-workout either by having it as plain salt or as a meal a few hours before exercise.

If you’re taking it in a pre-workout meal, ensure you eat it 2-3 hours before the workout.

If you had a junk-food meal before a workout, then you would observe a different push.

If you are taking plain salt, the ideal way is to mix ½ teaspoon of salt in 350-400 ml water before hitting the gym to get quick sodium absorption.

We bring some of the benefits of using salt or consuming a sodium-enriched diet during pre-workout.

Also, Read Sendha Namak: Here Are The Extraordinary Health Benefits Of Rock Salt

Benefits Of Taking Salt Before Workout

Signals The Nerves Cells

Using sodium as a pre-workout protocol will help your get a well-toned body because when a nerve signals a muscle to contract, sodium rapidly flows into the cell.

Improves Body Hydration

There is a popular notion that sodium dehydrates you which is not true. Proper intake of sodium replaces the salts lost in sweat and helps the body to retain essential bodily fluids and absorb water effectively. When we sweat, we tend to lose electrolytes during a pre-workout session. A proper amount of salt will help maintain healthy levels of these compounds during exercise and pre work out sessions.

Augments Body Strength

A lot of strength and power are needed during a hard-core workout. When the body retains unrequired water, it can bring many ailments. Sodium helps the body shed the excess amount of water which in the long run keeps many diseases at bay.

Adds More Fluid In The Muscles

The right amount of sodium intake helps the body to contract the muscles since they increase the water level which helps them give a better shape and enhance pumps.

Lowers Exertion

Salt maintains the heart rate low, which aids the body to exert less, thereby resulting in good energy output during exercise.

Improves Endurance

The system exerts less due to the presence of salt, this helps to uplift the endurance of the body to take strenuous exercise routines.


Salt can deliver several benefits when taken in a prescribed amount to pre-workouts such as better blood flow, fluid balance, improved endurance, and stronger contractions. It can be taken in the form of drinks or mixed with pre-workout formulas or salt pills. However, remember that high salt intake may lead to the risk of developing heart issues, blood pressure, and many mo