Salt is one of the key elements that adds right amount of punch and powerful taste to any dish. It is an essential ingredient required by the human body in the correct proportion to perform various functions. While excess salt can raise your blood pressure instantly, on the other hand, low salt content will result in electrolyte imbalance too.

Also Read: 5 Spectacular Benefits Of Adding Sea Salt To Your Diet

There’s no denying that salted fries taste a lot better than the plain ones, however, going overboard not only affects your taste buds but can lead to a host of health conditions like hypertension, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney disorder, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Salt is chemically termed as Sodium chloride (NaCl) comprising 40% sodium and 60% chloride, by weight. It is the greatest source of dietary sodium as it plays a significant role in maintaining fluid balance, nerve signalling, blood pressure regulation and muscle function. It is easy to meet sodium needs from the food but the trick is to avoid getting it in surplus amounts. Salt is naturally present in food sources and also loaded in processed and junk food, hence, excess intake should be restricted.

It is vital to be mindful about the intake of salty foods. You can achieve this by avoiding excess eating and also by tweaking in other flavourful herbs and spices. These salt alternatives will deliver food with a burst of flavour and trust us, you don’t find the difference in taste.

Foray this infographic for more details.

Natural foods for salty taste in your food - infographic