Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life and longevity, offers a profound and holistic approach to healthcare. Rooted in ancient texts like the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, Ayurveda provides a treasure trove of healing modalities aimed at maintaining harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. One such fundamental and time-tested therapy within the realm of Ayurveda is Snehana, commonly known as Oleation Therapy - an ancient practice, rooted in Ayurveda, embracing the profound wisdom of using oils to nourish and revitalize the body.

In this 2-minute read, let us delve into the essence of oleation therapy, exploring its types, methods, and the myriad health benefits it offers.

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 What Is Snehana Therapy?

Snehana Therapy, a.k.a Oleation is derived from the Sanskrit word "Sneha," which means oil or love. It is a purifying and rejuvenating practice that involves the application of oils or ghee (clarified butter) to nourish and lubricate the body. It mainly emphasizes the importance of self-care healing, both externally and internally. This therapeutic approach is meticulously designed to nurture the body's tissues, enhance flexibility, and harmonize the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) by selecting appropriate oils and administering them through various methods.

The therapy aims to pacify excess doshas, loosen toxins, improve circulation, enhance flexibility, and promote a sense of relaxation and calmness. Through the application of oils and ghee, oleation therapy prepares the body for subsequent detoxification or cleansing treatments.

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Types Of Snehana Therapy


Abhyanga is a traditional full-body oil massage that uses warm, herb-infused oils. It is performed in a rhythmic, gentle manner, aiming to improve circulation, eliminate toxins, and rejuvenate the skin.


Shirodhara involves a continuous stream of warm oil poured in a gentle, oscillating motion over the forehead. It profoundly relaxes the mind, relieves stress, and enhances mental clarity.

Kati Basti:

Kati Basti focuses on the lower back area. A well of dough is created on the back, and warm oil is poured into it. This helps alleviate lower back pain, stiffness, and sciatica.

Janu Basti:

Janu Basti concentrates on the knees. A dough well is built around the knee joint, and warm oil is poured into it. It's effective in addressing knee pain and improving joint flexibility.

Greeva Basti:

Greeva Basti targets the neck area. Warm oil is poured into a well created around the neck, aiding in relieving neck and shoulder tension.

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The Extraordinary Health Benefits Of Snehana Therapy

Snehana Therapy is celebrated for its multifaceted benefits, encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Some of the key advantages include:

Enhances Flexibility:

Abhyanga, as well as internal oleation, aids in the lubrication of the joints and muscles. This promotes enhanced flexibility and mobility, making it particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing stiffness or those involved in regular physical activities.

Promotes Digestive Functions:

Internal oleation supports healthy digestion by lubricating the digestive tract. It aids in smoother movement of food through the digestive system, promoting optimal absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste.

Nourishes Tissues:

Snehana nourishes and rejuvenates the body's tissues, promoting cellular health, vitality, and longevity. The therapy supports tissue regeneration and helps combat the effects of ageing.

Detoxifies Body:

Snehana facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body. It helps dislodge accumulated toxins and supports their natural elimination through the body's detoxification processes.

Reduces Stress:

The calming properties of the oils used in Snehana Therapy help reduce stress, anxiety, and mental tension. The practice encourages relaxation, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.

Alleviates Doshas:

Specific oils and ghee formulations are chosen based on an individual's dosha constitution to restore balance and vitality, aligning the body with its natural state of harmony.

Balances Nervous System:

Snehana therapy helps balance the nervous system by calming the mind and reducing nervous tension. This balance supports improved focus, mental clarity, and emotional stability.

Augments Skin Health:

Regular external oleation improves skin health by moisturizing and nourishing the skin. It contributes to a healthy complexion, giving the skin a natural glow and radiance.

Improves Sleep Quality:

Snehana therapy can aid in improving sleep patterns, making it beneficial for individuals struggling with sleep disorders or disturbances. The calming effect of the oils promotes a better quality of sleep.

Supports Hormonal Balance:

Internal oleation with ghee (a type of Snehana) helps support hormonal balance by nourishing the endocrine system, which can be especially beneficial for women.

Steps To Practice Snehana Therapy:

Step 1: Choose an appropriate oil such as sesame, coconut, or medicated oil based on the individual's constitution and health needs.

Step 2: Warm the oil gently to a comfortable temperature.

Step 3: The person receiving Snehana should be in a relaxed state and preferably lie down.

Step 4: Apply the warm oil to the entire body, massaging with gentle and rhythmic strokes.

Step 5: Use circular motions on joints, long strokes on limbs, and gentle pressure on the abdomen and chest.

Step 6: Allow the oil to absorb into the skin for about 15-30 minutes.

Step 7: Follow the massage with a warm shower or bath to help the oil penetrate deeper and cleanse the skin.

Step 8: Rest and relax for some time after the massage to allow the body to absorb the oil's benefits.

Note: Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for guidance on the type of oil and frequency of Snehana therapy based on individual needs.


Snehana therapy is an invitation to embrace the healing power of oils and experience holistic well-being. Whether through relaxing full-body massages or targeted treatments for specific areas, the benefits of oleation therapy are abundant. By integrating this ancient practice into our modern lifestyles, we can nurture our bodies, harmonize our doshas, and create a path towards optimal health and vitality. Embrace the essence of oleation, and let the oils guide you on a journey of wellness and rejuvenation.