If you are a dog owner, you likely have experienced your furry friend's penchant for chewing on anything within reach, whether it is shoes, toys, plastic, or things lying around the house. While most of the time the animal knows how to safeguard itself, sometimes out of the blue you notice something has stuck in your pet’s throat or mouth leading to choking.

Most pet owners are not sure how to deal with this emergency. Prompt action is vital if your dog shows signs of choking. The small read is about ways to tackle this situation by performing the famous first aid technique Heimlich's manoeuvre and other steps to help your pet become normal.

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Prompt action is vital if your dog shows signs of choking. To identify choking symptoms, the first indication is often coughing, as they attempt to dislodge the obstruction from their throat or mouth. Difficulty breathing due to an obstructed airway may also be evident. Signs such as pawing at the mouth or head, and exhibiting panic or distress, indicate potential choking. In severe cases, the dog may lose consciousness.

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Immediate Actions For A Choking Pet

While the best way is to seek veterinary assistance, do not delay until reaching the vet's office. You can also try to remove the object. Begin by inspecting your dog's mouth for foreign objects or food obstructing the airway. If you locate anything, attempt to remove it with your finger to restore normal breathing. If you spot an object but cannot remove it, employ the Heimlich manoeuvre. However, in cases involving a bone lodged in the throat, refrain from attempting removal to prevent further injury. Seek veterinary assistance urgently to remove the bone under sedation safely.

What Is Heimlich Manoeuvre?

The Heimlich manoeuvre is a popular first-aid method to clear an obstruction or choking from the upper respiratory areas in humans as well as in pets. Also known as abdominal thrusts, Dr. Henry Heimlich invented the Heimlich manoeuvre and hence the name. The process involves thrusting into the abdominal area. The Heimlich manoeuvre techniques vary based on your dog's size.

Here is how you can administer the Heimlich Manoeuvre on dogs:

For Small Dogs: Place your dog on your lap, gently roll them onto their back, and apply firm upward and inward pressure just below the rib cage with the palm of your hand, repeating five times. Check the mouth for the dislodged item.

For Medium And Large Dogs: If your dog is standing, encircle them with your arms, clasp your hands together at the abdomen, and administer five firm upward and forward thrusts. Alternatively, if your dog is lying down, support their back with one hand while using the other to push the abdomen upwards and forward.

Post-Choking Protocol

Even after successful removal of the obstruction, contact your vet immediately. Oxygen deprivation, even briefly, necessitates professional evaluation, possibly leading to hospitalization. Choking can cause unseen damage to the throat and mouth, needing a vet examination. Your vet may recommend a bronchoscopy to assess any potential trauma. Preventive Measures Reduce the risk of future choking incidents by supervising your dog during playtime, especially with toys or bones. opt for appropriately sized food and monitor mealtime to minimize choking hazards. As a safety measure, keep children's toys out of your dog's reach to prevent accidental ingestion. Select durable dog toys suitable for your dog's chewing habits. By staying vigilant and implementing these preventive measures, you can help your pet from choking hazards.


Abdominal Thrust Maneuver

Jafet A. Ojeda Rodriguez1; Megan Ladd
