Seasonal allergies, triggered by the changes in the climate and environment, are like those inevitable health troubles we cannot do away with. It is common to suffer from sudden bouts of cold, cough, sneezing, chills, and even fever, making it difficult to enjoy the beautiful spell of rain or those cozy spring mornings.

These conditions are often triggered by airborne allergens, such as mold, dander, pollen, etc., and can interfere with daily activities if not treated on time. In this article, we will introduce you to 5 over-the-counter products that are readily available options to help combat seasonal allergies and provide relief from sneezing, itching, and congestion.


Antihistamines are among the most common and effective OTC options for managing seasonal allergies. They work by blocking the action of histamines, chemicals triggered by the immune system to fight allergens like pollen, dust, or pet dander. By reducing histamine activity, antihistamines can relieve symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and itching of the throat or nose.

These medications are available in various forms, including tablets, liquid, and dissolvable tablets. Read the label thoroughly and follow the recommended dosage instructions to avoid side effects like drowsiness, which can be associated with some antihistamines.
Seasonal allergies

Also Read: Environmental Allergens: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention


Decongestants can provide relief from nasal congestion, which is a common symptom of seasonal allergies. These OTC medications narrow the blood vessels in the nasal passages, thus reducing swelling and congestion. They are instrumental when you have a stuffy or blocked nose that makes breathing challenging.

However, using decongestants cautiously is crucial, as they can elevate blood pressure and should not be used by individuals with certain medical conditions. Decongestants are often available in pill or nasal spray form.

Also Read: Food Allergies in Kids: 5 Foods That Can Trigger Reaction And Here’s What You Should Do

Nasal Corticosteroids

Nasal corticosteroids are another OTC option for managing seasonal allergies. These medications reduce inflammation, thus relieving symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, and runny nose.

These sprays may take a few days of regular use to reach their full effectiveness, so consistency is key.

Allergy Eye Drops

Seasonal allergies can also affect the eyes, causing redness, itching, and watering. Allergy eye drops, available OTC, can quickly relieve these uncomfortable symptoms. These drops contain antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers that help reduce eye irritation and inflammation.

These drops can be applied throughout the day to relieve itchy and irritated eyes.

Also Read: Fungal Eye Infections: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Saline Nasal Rinse

A saline nasal rinse is a natural and soothing way to alleviate allergy symptoms. This OTC product consists of a saline solution that can be used to rinse allergens, mucus, and irritants from the nasal passages. It can help reduce congestion, ease nasal irritation, and promote better breathing.

You can find saline nasal rinse kits at most drugstores, which typically include a squeeze bottle, neti pot, and pre-measured saline packets. To avoid contamination, it's essential to use distilled or sterile water for nasal rinsing.


Seasonal allergies can be a nuisance, but OTC products relieve their bothersome symptoms. However, it's essential to consult with your doctor before starting any new medication, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking other medicines, to ensure no potential interactions or contraindications.