Whether it is pumping blood to the heart or letting it lift something light or heavy, the body needs muscular mass and strength for smooth and effective functioning. As we grow old, due to ageing, loss of muscle strength begins to show up. Sarcopenia (meaning lack of flesh) is age-related muscle atrophy and one of the byproducts of our ageing process that leads to a gradual loss of muscle strength, mass, and muscle function. A condition of age-associated muscle degeneration that primarily affects the elderly population, it reduces the quality of life since it declines their ability to perform daily functions. Apart from the age factor, an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to this health disorder. In many cases, sarcopenia is reversible, more so, if a healthy lifestyle is maintained, and a protein-rich diet is consumed.

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Causes Of Sarcopenia

Sarcopenia is caused by an imbalance between signals for muscle cell growth also called ‘anabolism’ and signs of cell teardown called ‘catabolism’. While age and decreased physical activity are one of the reasons for this health disorder, in some cases people with active lifestyles are also affected by this disease. It has also been associated with, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart diseases. Another cause of sarcopenia can be a reduction in the nerve cells that send signals from the brain informing the muscles to move. A decline in hormonal levels and decreased ability of the body to convert protein to energy is another reason for the development of this disease.

Also Read:  5 Superb Ways To Build Lean Muscle Mass

Treatment For Sarcopenia

While there are no medications to treat sarcopenia, comprehensive strategies combined with pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods such as exercise, intake of certain supplements, balancing Vitamin D levels, dietary regulations, and medications for the treatment of metabolic syndromes can contribute towards fighting this disease and delaying process of muscular degeneration. Besides all this, hormone replacement therapy can help to raise lean body mass and prevent bone as well as muscle deterioration. Resistance training also helps balance hormone levels, particularly in women besides improving overall muscle strength.

Nutrients That Fight Sarcopenia

A body that is deficient in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and calories is at an elevated risk of muscle loss. Here are some key nutrients that can promote muscle growth and muscle strength.


Protein is an inevitable food for the muscles. As people age, their muscles become fragile thus they need to consume more protein to increase the strength of their muscles. Getting protein in the diet signals the tissue of our muscles to strengthen themselves and retain and build muscle mass. Foods such as soybeans, legumes, eggs, and tofu are good sources of protein.


One of the 3 essential branched-chain amino acids, leucine is one amino acid that aids the growth of skeletal muscles. Besides playing an important role in regulating muscle growth, it is also used in the biosynthesis of proteins. Fish, eggs, soybean, oats, cheese, and lentils are great sources of amino acids.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is directly related to sarcopenia. Older people are more deficient in this Vitamin and hence are at an increased risk of sarcopenia. Getting adequate sunshine and taking Vitamin D supplements can help overcome this deficiency thus increasing muscle mass and augmenting muscle strength.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

In older adults, sarcopenia affects skeletal muscle mass negatively. This could be due to less omega 3 in the body. By signaling muscle growth directly, Omega-3 supplementation benefits muscle mass. Potent anti-inflammatory benefits of omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce chronic inflammation, enhance muscle mass and improve walking speed and strength in older people.


Creatine is an essential protein normally made in the liver and found in muscle cells. It is the source of energy for muscles during high-intensity exercises and workouts. Though our body makes ample creatine on its own, taking it in form of a supplement can aid better muscle growth and functioning. Rich creatine sources are pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, and nuts.

Prevention Of Sarcopenia

Since age and decreased physical activity are the most common reasons behind sarcopenia and age is not something that can be controlled, being physically active and eating a nutrient-dense diet decreases the chance of getting this chronic health disorder. Exercising each day for at least thirty minutes such as yoga, brisk walking, running, cardio exercises, and jogging will also help the muscles stay active and reduce the risk of sarcopenia.