Are you one of those people who love the magic of the monsoon? Well, we would say who doesn’t? Romantic and pleasant, rains are indeed the best time to sit back, relax, watch showers and of course, enjoy delicious delicacies in the comfort of your home. With no dearth of fruits and vegetables adorning vegetable markets, one must be watchful of what to eat and what to avoid, as this season is also a host to various bacteria, viruses and pathogens that can pose many health problems. Amongst plentiful options of leafy greens, cruciferous, marrow and tuber vegetables, nature has been generous enough to us and bequeathed with root vegetables such as onion, sweet potato, yam, and stem tubers like beetroot, parsnip and tuberous roots like taro are abundantly available during this time. Not exactly roots per se, they are bulbous growths that emerge underneath, at the base of a plant. All of them are a powerhouse of nutrients, delicious to eat and the best part is, that do not nurture bacteria, unlike green vegetables, causing monsoon illnesses.

Also read: Arbi/Taro Root: Here Is Why You Should Add This Tasty Veggie To Your Meal For Nutritional Reasons: Recipes Inside 
Root veggies

Why Should You Eat Fibrous Root Veggies?

Packed with fibre and antioxidants and low in calories, these bulbs, roots, and tubers absorb nutrients to feed the plant which makes them nutrient dense. Despite little high in starch, they boast of the following health benefits:

Aids Eye Health

Root vegetables are an excellent source of carotenoids. Carotenoids are beneficial antioxidants that protect your eye health and slow down age-related macular degeneration and ailments such as glaucoma and cataract.

Good for Weight Loss

Root veggies are packed with fibre, which can keep you satiated for long. This helps in losing surplus weight.

Boosts Immune System

Rich in Vitamin C, manganese calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and a good source of several antioxidants such as beta-carotene and chlorogenic acid, roots and tubers keep the immunity levels stronger hence are ideal to eat during the rainy season.

Reduces Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of health anomalies such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes. All root vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and keep these diseases at bay.

Also Read: Purple Yam: Health Benefits, Nutrition, And Recipes Of This Brightly Vegetable

Isn’t it amazing how this array of vegetables not only consists of an impressive nutrient profile but is easily available throughout the year? Add them to your monsoon diet, get creative and try them boiled, mashed, baked, and even roasted. Well, for starters, gorge on these lip-smacking chats.

Kachalu Chat


 500 grams Kachalu

1/2 teaspoon rock salt

1 tsp red chili powder

2 tbsp dried mango powder

1 tsp black pepper powder

1 tsp roasted cumin powder

2 coarsely crushed black cardamom

4 chopped green chilies

1 tsp ginger strip

2 Lemon 


Boil Kachalu in water, until it is soft and keep aside.

Mix dried mango powder, and red chili powder in 2 cups of water in another pan and keep it aside.

When Kachalu cools, peel off the skin and cut into thin slices

Mix spices, green chillies, ginger, lemon juice, dried mango powder and red chili powder in water.

Toss well using a spatula.

Cover it and keep it for a few hours

Wait for Kachalu to absorb most of the water

Kachalu chat is ready to serve


Kachalu a root veggie belongs to the same family as taro root. Slightly different from Arbi or taro root, it is round in size and slimy when cut. Tangy kachalu chat is an authentic Delhi delicacy. Laden with spices that are rich in beneficial compounds, the chat has Kachalu which is a rich source of dietary fiber and good carbohydrates.

Beetroot and Sweet Potato Chat


1 cup beetroot diced and boiled

1 cup sweet potato diced and boiled

1/2 cup mint leaves

1 green chili

4 tbsp oil

2 carrots

1/2 cup onion

5 tbsp lemon juice

2 tbsp chat masala powder

1 cup cabbage

2 cups water


Steam vegetables in a pressure cooker and cook for 3 whistles

Cooked well, then peel them lightly and chop them. Keep aside

Chop the mint leaves, carrot, cabbage, onion and green chilli in a separate bowl

Mix lemon juice and chaat masala powder in a different bowl

Add oil to this bowl and whisk properly to prepare the dressing

Add this dressing to the chopped veggies

Mix all the ingredients into sweet potato and beetroot

Top it up with chaat masala powder

Serve immediately


No one will be able to resist this nutritious delicious chat. This fusion recipe has sweet potatoes that are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as iron, and calcium. Beetroot has a high amount of Vitamin B9 manganese and potassium content.