Root canal refers to the cavity present in the center of tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves. It provides nutrition to the tissues of tooth and is responsible for tooth sensation.

Root canal therapy or treatment is a process of removing damaged or infected pulp of root canal. Individuals with injured tooth, cavities and hot and cold sensations are recommended to undergo the root canal procedure.

Root canal is done if there is a severe bacterial infection and, in the cavities, to prevent the infection from spreading to the surrounding regions. One advantageous point of root canal procedure is that it eliminates the need for removal of tooth due to severe infections.

Woman undergoing root canal

The Procedure:

  • X-ray to determine the shape of the root canal and the areas of the tooth with infection.
  • Followed by use of local anesthesia to numb adjacent regions.
  • Creating a small opening at the top of tooth using small drills to remove the damaged and infected pulp.
  • Removal of the infected pulp from the tooth.
  • Antibacterial solutions to wash the pulp cavity to remove any remaining bacteria.
  • Lastly, filling substances used to fill the emptied cavity and closure of the opening.

Root canal procedure varies in terms of duration according to the type of tooth involved. However, treatment for molars and premolars take more time as compared to that for canines and incisors. 

The patients can go home soon after the treatment. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics and other medication for faster healing.