Ringworm is a skin infection caused by fungus, and not due to worms. Medically known as “dermatophytosis or Tinea”, Ringworm appears in the form of red patches, caused due to fungus that eats keratin (a protein present in skin, hair and nails). Young children are more prone to ringworm infection.

Ringworm Fungus Can Infect Scalps, Beards Too

 Types of Ringworm Infections:

 The symptoms for ringworm may vary based on the infected. The commonly known signs include:

  • Scalp Ringworm: This causes small, painful patches on the scalp, breakage of hair near the affected area and sores oozing pus.
  • Skin Ringworms: The rash appears like a ring with redness and causes burning sensation and itching around the skin rash.
  • Groin Ringworms: Severe itching in groin area, redness, inflammation around infected part, rough skin around inner thighs are caused due to groin ringworm infection. If worsened it may affect regular physical activities like walking, running exercise, etc. 
  • Beard Ringworms: If you suffer from hair loss in patches, swelling of glands, redness and puss contained bumps, it could be due to Beard Ringworms. See a doctor immediately.

 What Causes Ringworm?

 Scalp and skin ringworms are more commonly found in young children, while groin and beard infections are more prominent in younger adults. Ringworm is caused by a “mould eating parasite,” and it is contagious. It can spread through: 

  • Human to human contact
  • Animal to human contact
  • Soil to human contact

Ringworms can occur in those living in warm temperatures, wearing tight clothes, sharing clothes those with infections, or with weak immunity. 

How to Avoid Contracting Ringworm: 

There are various precautionary measures to avoid this contagious infection.

1. Maintain a proper hygiene. Take warm water showers twice in a day.

2. Do not share your personal care items with others.

3. Avoid walking with barefoot, especially in mud and in rainy season.

4. Wear comfortable, loose clothing and stay in cool environment to decrease the risk.


 Treatment options include medications like antifungal tablets and creams. Talk to your dermatologist for the right medication depending on the type of ringworm infection.