Our body has a pair of spongelike organs in the chest that we call lungs. A vital part of the respiratory system, their main job is to move fresh air into your body and remove unwanted or waste gases from the system. An automatic process within the body, this cycle happens eight to sixteen times every single minute. The question is how can you keep them healthy?

Here are 5 lung care supplements to keep them strong for life.

Also Read: Lung Problems: 5 Incredible Yogasanas To Ease Breathing Difficulties

What Makes Lungs Healthy?

Healthy lungs are essential for overall well-being and a high quality of life. Several key factors contribute to lung health. Some of these important ones are:

Avoiding Tobacco Smoke: Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung disease and can significantly damage the lungs over time. Avoiding tobacco smoke, including second-hand smoke, is crucial for maintaining healthy lungs.

Regular Exercise: Physical activity can help improve lung function and strength. Aerobic exercises like running, swimming, and cycling can help increase lung capacity and improve respiratory efficiency.

Good Air Quality: Polluted air can negatively impact lung health and increase the risk of respiratory problems. It's important to avoid exposure to pollutants and ensure good ventilation in indoor spaces.

Proper Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide the nutrients necessary for optimal lung function. Maintaining a healthy weight can also reduce strain on the lungs.

Periodic Check-Ups: It's important to have regular check-ups with a healthcare provider to monitor lung health and address any concerns early on. Screening tests like lung function tests can help assess lung function and detect any potential issues.

Also Read: Lung Power: Refreshing Recipes That Can Make You Breathe Easy

By following the above-mentioned guidelines and taking care of your lungs, you can help maintain their health and function effectively for years to come. Apart from these measures, to keep your lung health at its best, here are some additional supplements that you can consider:

Pankaja Kasthuri Breathe Easy Syrup 200 ml

This syrup is made of effective components to elevate your respiratory health. With a carefully curated blend of natural ingredients, its unique formulation soothes the discomfort that often accompanies breathing distress. Say goodbye to respiratory constraints With Pankaja Kasthuri Breathe Easy Syrup that helps to clear airways, reduce congestion, and promote overall respiratory wellness breathe in the promise of a healthier, more invigorating life.

Baidyanath Kasamrit Herbal Syrup 200 ml

Baidyanath Kasamrit Herbal Cough Syrup acts as an herbal supplement for common cough and cold, sneezing, nasal congestion, and sore throat. The syrup is also effective in acute bronchitis besides whooping and asthmatic cough. The formula provides relief in respiratory tract infections and expels viscid secretion in distressing as well as irritating dry cough. It also soothes a smoker’s cough, and relieves allergic cough, congestion, and irritation of the throat.

Pravek Respikalp (As-4) Capsules 30's

Ayurvedic formulation, Respikalp Capsule helps in treating several upper respiratory tract-associated ailments. Its herbal ingredients are known to produce decongestion relieve the swollen mucosa of the respiratory tract, bronchodilation, and facilitate effortless expectoration and the breathing process. It increases the body's resistance to common respiratory tract infections and allergens. Cures bronchitis, sore throat, Tonsilitis as well as dry cough.

Pravek Asthakalp Syrup 200 ml

Asthakalp is an excellent combination of Ayurvedic herbs imbued with mucolytic, expectorant, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic formulas. The remedy is effective in Asthma, Bronchitis, and Rhinitis. Seasonal viral cough and cold, Allergic Rhinitis, and other respiratory conditions.

The Old Natural Lung Detox & Cleanser Veg Tablet 60's

An effective detox, it helps to remove toxic substances from the lungs and removes chronic tar. It improves breathing and offers protection from infections thus alleviating cough, breathlessness, and other respiratory problems. It is also beneficial for smokers and residents of polluted urban areas


  • Journal Of Advanced Lung Health

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Ravindran Chetambath

ISSN: 2772-7165

Online ISSN: 2772-7173

Frequency: Semiannual


  1. Journal of Lung Diseases & Treatment
