Prostatitis is the swollen, inflamed or infected condition of the prostate gland, which is a walnut-shaped gland located in all males below the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum. This a common problem and almost ten to twelve percent of the overall male population, of all ages but mostly under the age of 50 are affected by this ailment.

It produces seminal fluid for nourishing and transporting the semen and urine from the urethra. Hence, inflammation of the gland can cause painful urination and bladder issues. It can cause due to bacterial infection or due to lymphatic spread from the rectum. It might also happen due to sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, chlamydia or other urinary tract infections.


Depending upon the cause of the occurrence, prostatitis can be of 4 major types mainly,

Acute Bacterial Prostatitis

Sudden occurrence due to bacteria with a sign of blood in the urine.

Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis

It also happens due to bacterial invasion but not suddenly. It is extremely painful and occurs due to a defect in the prostate gland allowing the accumulation of bacteria in the urinary tract.

Chronic Prostatitis Or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

This can be found in men of any age and although the symptoms go away there is recurrence of the defect after some time. It causes severe pain or discomfort in the groin area.

Asymptomatic Inflammatory Prostatitis

Although they are not characterized by any symptoms, this disorder often leads to infertility and can only be diagnosed by a PSA Blood Test.


The four types of Prostatitis have specific signs and symptoms depending upon their underlying cause. The symptoms may sometimes develop quickly or may take time to occur or sometimes there might be a recurrence of some the symptoms. The most common symptoms that occur in almost all forms of Prostatitis are:

  • Painful urination or trouble passing urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Fever and chills
  • Rectal pressure or pain
  • Blocked urine
  • Genital or rectal throbbing
  • Pain low in the belly, groin or behind the scrotum
  • Burning sensation while passing urine
  • Urethral discharge
  • Painful ejaculation


The inflammation of the gland is usually diagnosed by a doctor or medical practitioner by acknowledging the entire medical history of the patient to determine the specific form of prostatitis the person is suffering from followed by a thorough examination which includes:

Urine Test

The patient's urine sample is analysed to check for signs of bacterial infection.

Blood Test

A sample of the blood is taken to examine the complete blood count (CBC) or the presence of urethral discharge or prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

Post-Prostatic Massage

The doctor may perform a digital examination of the rectum to palpate the prostate gland to examine any abnormalities.

Imaging Techniques

The doctor may take CT-Scans, X-rays or sonograms of the urinary tract or prostate gland to get visual images of the abnormality for better treatment.

In accordance with the severity and type of symptoms, the doctor may prescribe specific antibiotics or alpha-blockers or anti-inflammatory agents.


In the case of severity of the disease, the doctor may suggest intravenous application of the antibiotics followed by oral dosage for a period of four to six weeks.


The use of these prescribed medications may ease the pain and relax the bladder neck and muscle fibres at the point of adjunction of the prostate gland to the bladder.

Anti-Inflammatory Agents

In the case of acute symptoms, doctors usually prescribe this for quick reduction of pain.

Apart from the medications, the doctor may also suggest some home remedies for minor symptoms like:

Adopting a healthier lifestyle by limiting the intake of caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods.

Avoiding activities like bicycling or prolonged sitting.

Using a heating pad and consuming plenty of water and caffeine-free beverages.

Trying warm baths and using acupuncture treatment can also help in reducing the pain in prostatitis.