Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that usually affects men over the age of 40. However, there have been cases of prostate cancer being detected in men as young as 18. Find out about the symptoms for early detection of this cancer

checklist to detect prostate cancer early

Cancer or uncontrolled cell division at the prostate gland men is known as prostate cancer. It is the layer that covers the neck section of bladder and provides seminal fluid. Prostate cancer is seen only in men and occurs majorly after 40 years of age. However, the susceptibility to prostate cancers starts at the early age of 18-20 years. The most common symptoms of prostate cancer include:

  • Frequent and uncontrolled urination
  • Interrupted and irregular flow of urine
  • Painful urination and burning sensation
  • Erection and ejaculation related difficulties
  • Bloody urination and seminal flow pressure
  • Pain while urination
  • Bowel elimination and ejaculation
  • Pain and inflexibility in the lower back, hips, pelvis, or thighs.

However, the major issue in early detection in prostate cancer is confusing urinary irritability symptoms to other diseases. In many other urinary diseases similar issue arises, and diagnosis is either delayed or wrong prognosis. In many cases, these symptoms only appear at critical or last stages of cancer. Thus it is very important that, a person facing these issues is required to take good care and quick detection techniques that are largely available in the market.

Therefore, for early detection of prostate cancer:

  1. Never ignore the above mentioned symptoms
  2. See a specialist and undergo Digital rectal exam (DRE) or Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for prostate screening
  3. Undergo preliminary tests such as ultrasound, prostate biopsy, MRI, Computerized tomography (CT) scan, and Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
  4. Other commercial screeners of early prostate cancer include; Free-PSA level, Prostate health index (PHI), and Urinary PCA3 test.