Ever seen a tempting light-yellow melon on the shelves of supermarkets? Pepino, also known as melon pear or sweet cucumber is a tropical fruit native to South America. Widely cultivated in countries such as Peru, Chile, and Colombia and found in India as well, this aroma-filled oval-shaped fruit is about the size of a medium-sized cucumber. Yellow or light green color with lavender stripes, it has a soft, edible golden skin. The flesh of the pepino is valued for its nutrition besides loved for its pleasant scent of vanilla and honey. Low in calories and high in water content, Pepino is a hydrating and weight-friendly snack.

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What Does Pepino Taste Like? 

Not true melons, the name does indicate what to expect when you take your first bite. Almost like a ripe honeydew or cantaloupe, it has the crispness of a raw fresh cucumber. The fruit is about four to five inches long and egg-shaped, with a yellow rind.  Inside you find a creamy, melon-like flesh with a sweet, low-calorie snack replete with vitamins plethora of and minerals. Pepino is adored across the globe for many reasons. A good source of dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion, the fruit boasts antioxidants like Vitamin C, and the fruit also supports skin health. Loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium and pepino contributes to overall well-being.

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Be it Vitamins A, C, fiber, or beta carotene, Pepinos brings many wellness incentives. They contain approximately 97% water content, making it an excellent choice for those aiming to stay refreshed. For those mindful of calorie intake, Pepino can be an ideal fruit for weight management and calorie-controlled diets. A good dose of dietary fiber in Pepino aids digestion, encourages regular bowel movements, and maintains a healthy digestive system.

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The fruit has many health benefits that will make you embrace Pepino. Here are some of them:

Boosts Immune System

Pepino's high vitamin C content fortifies the immune system, keeping a robust immune response and protecting against illnesses.

Fights Ageing

Packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene, Pepino combats free radicals, reduces oxidative stress, and shields against cellular damage.

Provides Essential Vitamins and Minerals

A treasure trove of vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, potassium, and magnesium, Pepino contributes to overall health and well-being.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Potassium's presence in Pepino regulates blood pressure, mitigating hypertension risks and supporting heart health.

Supports Healthy Skin

The antioxidants and vitamin C in Pepino play a vital role in promoting healthy skin, reducing inflammation, combating free radicals, and encouraging collagen production.

Promotes Hydration

Pepino's high water content aids in maintaining proper hydration levels, crucial for bodily functions such as nutrient transport, and joint lubrication.

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Accessible in various countries, including India, Pepino might be procured from specialty markets or grocery store. So go ahead, and let this exotic fruit become a staple in your diet, contributing not only to your palate's delight but also to your overall well-being. Try this delicious easy snack made from pepino for and nutritious boost and to enhance your taste buds too!

Pepino Chat


  • 2 ripe Pepinos
  • 1 small red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1 green chili, finely chopped 
  • Fresh coriander leaves
  • Chaat masala to taste
  • Rock salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  • Peel and dice the Pepinos into bite-sized pieces
  • In a mixing bowl, combine diced Pepinos, chopped red onion, diced tomato, and green chili
  • Season the mixture with chaat masala, rock salt, and lemon juice
  • Toss the ingredients gently to ensure an even distribution of flavors
  • Garnish with freshly chopped coriander leaves
  • Allow the Pepino chaat to marinate for a few minutes to let the flavors meld
  • Serve chilled and relish this refreshing and healthy snack


The snack has all the ingredients that can be great for bringing health benefits. Pepino is a powerhouse of Vitamin C that bolsters skin health. Its high water content helps you stay refreshed, and the fiber keeps the gut health strong. Beta carotene maintains eye health and helps to fight age-related macular degeneration.