The cold weather outside may be calm and soothing, but the winter season is the time where you might experience a bout of maladies. The nip in the air makes us lazy but it is important to stay fit and lead a healthier lifestyle during winter. It is essential to have a well-balanced diet, proper workout schedule and include a wide range of veggies and fruits daily to boosts the immune system.

Seasonal fruits come as a blessing and help you thrive in any climatic condition. Fruits loaded with vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals facilitate to maintain health and wellness. Choose from a wide range of locally available seasonal fruits that assist you in combating health problems. Also Read: Tips For Winter Friendly Foods! Know More


This winter superfood loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants and fibre triggers immunity and battles infections.


The bright red juicy berries are full of vitamins, manganese and antioxidants for promoting skin health and glow and bolsters the immune system.


The fruit of the paradise is loaded with an immense amount of vitamins, fibre, potassium and folate that aid in lowering the risk of heart disease and avert the growth of cancer cells.

Custard Apple

This sweet delight with a wealth of nutrients such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C and antioxidants regulate blood pressure and keep skin and hair healthy.


This humble fruit renders you with an instant source of energy and powerhouse of vitamins E, A and C which keep your skin supple, wrinkle-free and hydrated.

winter fruits