Parasitic worms commonly found in intestines are also known as intestinal worms. Flatworms (tapeworm and flukes) and roundworms (ascariasis, pinworm, and hookworm infections) are the common types of parasitic worms. As the name indicates, these organisms are parasitic in nature.Parasitic Infections in Kids

The common sign of the presence of a parasitic worm in the body includes pain in the abdomen, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, acidity, bloating stomach, fatigue and weakness, sudden weight loss, swollen abdomen, abdominal cramps, rashes, itching and blood in the stool.

In some cases, the parasitic worms may not show any symptoms over years. Parasitic worms enter the human body through eating undercooked meat, contaminated food and unhygienic water. Poor sanitation and hygiene can lead to infection of parasitic worms.

 These worms inhabit the intestines where they consume nutrition, reproduce and grow. Children are more prone to developing a parasitic infection while adults with a weak immune system are also at risk.

 This condition is more common in developing countries due to poor sanitation and contaminated water sources. Therefore, travelling to such countries may increase the risk of parasitic worm infection among individuals. Some of the parasitic worms mainly tapeworms, disappear gradually and may not require any treatment.

 Severe cases may need antiparasitic medicines. Ideally, the course of treatment depends on the type of parasite. Talk to your doctor to know more about the most common drugs that used to paralyze parasitic worms.