Yay! Happy New Year To You All. We did finally bid farewell to 2020 and here it is 2021! Surprising, it may sound but till yesterday except for first two months of the year, 2020 threw in a lot of surprises, mostly unpleasant ones, made us experience that were unheard of – right from working and learning from home, avoiding hugs, vacays, drenching palms in sanitizers, covering faces with masks – all thanks to one contagious infection, COVID-19, that spiralled into a pandemic.
Happy New Year Health Care

Today, we entered 2021 and there are many hopes in this new year, trying to forget those bad memories but carrying forward various life lessons. We are human after all, and it is all about being positive for leading a happy, healthy life.

Well, if you ask us how 2021 is going to be better and different than 2020 – quite a few things, actually. Agreed that we are battling the fear of a new strain of COVID-19, but doctors are confident that the vaccinations would be able to handle this latest mutant too. Vaccination is now almost a reality and this year we all will get a jab of it, for sure!

While terms like social distancing, hand sanitization, work from home are here to stay for next few months till we find some semblance of normalcy, here is how we can stay healthy and happy in 2021.

Also Read: New Coronavirus Strain: Key Details About The Mutant Viral Specimen Found In The U.K.

Positivity Is Key:

Pandemic and positivity may not go together in a single sentence but there is no denying that all we need is some good thought process and hopes. Do you know that staying strong mentally plays a crucial role in combating various physical disorders and this contagious infection is not an exception? For maintaining positive thinking at all times, it is important to keep stress levels under check, avoid anxiety, take care of mental health to prevent panic attacks. In a nutshell, your mental wellbeing is a precursor to your overall physical health.
Father feeding a child

Build Immunity:

If there is one year, that has taught us the importance of having an infection resistance body the credit goes to 2020. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in combating various contagious diseases and human body needs it in ample amounts. Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, the body cannot store it and needs to be replenished daily. Ensure consuming vitamin C supplements or foods rich in citrus after food for better absorption.

Gut Says It All:

Though a respiratory illness, gastrointestinal issues were widely reported among the COVID-19 patients. Diarrhoea, indigestion, nausea and vomiting in coronavirus patients led to other complications. Gut health is often an indication of total physical wellbeing and small intestine is where all nutrients get absorbed into the blood. To take care of good bacteria in the intestinal tract that aids in proper digestion and other functions, include probiotics in daily diet, fibre rich foods and plant protein.

30 Minutes Matter:

Fitness trainers recommend 30 minutes in a day to stay super fit. And if you thought, sweating it out only at gyms would get you desired results, think again. Make it a habit to practice simple stretches, HIIT at home, yoga and meditation just for half-an-hour in a day to stay healthy and happy. Also, do not forget to take small breaks between work, get up from the chair, walk, stretch and guzzle down water to gain energy back. If you have other co-morbid conditions, talk to your doctor on how much time you may have to invest daily in workouts for good physical and mental health.

Also Read: Vaccines: Learn How They Work And What Common Side Effects They Cause

Flush Out Toxins:

Human body is like a machine and it needs all the care. While food gives us energy, it can also leave certain components that can have toxic effects and external pollutants too can play a havoc on the body. Detoxification is a crucial step towards keeping the body clean and healthy from within. If your health permits, practice fasting for few hours, guzzle down natural drinks like water, fresh juices bereft of added sugars, preservatives for cleansing the system. Detoxification reduces inflammation instantly, makes body lighter and restores it with high energy levels. Sleeping on time for at least 8 hours too helps in relaxing your body and mind.

www.netmeds.com Wishes All Its Customers, A Happy, Healthy, Stay Fit 2021