Nervine tonics are herbs that act therapeutically upon the nerves, which nourishes and sustains the functions of the central nervous system. They are specifically formulated to reinstate the balance and tranquillity in the body. Naturopathic classify a variety of herbs as nervines such as milky oats, St. John’s wort, ashwagandha, and skullcap to name a few. Generally, people use these tonics as complementary or alternative to medications for treating insomnia, stress, and anxiety.

There are three types of nervine herbs based on the reaction they are known to create in the nervous system which includes nervine tonics, nervine relaxants, and nervine stimulants.
nervine herbs

Nervine tonics are also known as nervine trophorestoratives, these herbs directly act on the nervous system and improve their functions. According to herbalism, the term tonic refers to the process of a herb toning the system or a specific organ to strengthen it. Well, these tonics work like healthy food nourishing the body, keeping you feel energised and active, nervine tonics can help to reinstate a worn out, stressed or anxious nervous system.

Nervine tonics are in some ways quite similar to adaptogens, which are herbs that ate used to combat stress. However, adaptogens affect the hormones in the body and not the central nervous system.

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Benefits of Nervine tonics


Ashwagandha is one of the most incredible herbs that offers a wealth of healing benefits. Ashwagandha has life-extending characteristics that regenerate nerve cells and dendrite growth throughout the brain and the system. This power makes ashwagandha a cutting-edge treatment for neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, it also promotes the communication between nerve cells and stimulates the body’s ability to heal nervous system damage.

Also Read: Ashwagandha: Powerful Herb To Boost Strength, Combat Stress


Skullcap is a dried form of Scutellaria lateriflora weed that belongs to a member of the mint family. This weed acts to activate gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain cells, which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that can lessen feelings of anxiety. Skullcap is a mild nervine herb that is well-known to restore balance and can also promote good sleep patterns and soothe the mind and body.


Chamomile extract has been largely used as a mild sedative to soothe nerves, reduce anxiety, and treat insomnia and other sleep issues. Several studies have revealed that chamomile remarkably reduced severe symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.

Also Read: 5 Astounding Benefits Of Chamomile That You Should Know

Milky Oats

Milky oats are prepared by dissolving immature oats in water and then extracting the liquid to make a tincture. Taking a few drops of milky oats every day may be beneficial to restore the nervous system and boost energy levels.

St. John’s wort

St. John’s wort is used as integrative medicine for the treatment of mild depression. It is beneficial for easing nerve pain, anxiety, and tension. Aside from this, it may also be helpful in inducing sound sleep, treating insomnia, and fighting stress.


Valerian root has been used since times immemorial for healing several ailments. As a strong nervine, it works well to ease anxiety, stress, and depression. While it is also believed to enhance sleep quality and tranquillity.

How To Take Nervine Tonics?

Nervine tonics are best taken as refreshing teas, drink them to reap its incredible wellness incentives. However, you can also have nervine tinctures that are concentrated extracts and should be consumed by the drops. It is always best to seek advice from an ayurvedic practitioner regarding dosages and frequency before taking these tonics.

Side Effects

Some of the potential side effects from using nervine tonics include:

Stomach upset

Dry mouth



Higher body temperature


Rapid heart rate