Be it work from home or work from office, mornings are hectic. There is no doubt that happy morning hours keep us going successfully for rest of the day, even as we multitask the responsibilities that are both domestic and professional.  Amidst all these chaos, it is natural to ignore those simple beauty routines that go a long way in keeping the skin youthful, radiant and glowing forever.

Okay! We understand that adhering strictly to a morning beauty ritual may sound impossible to you, but please read this article. Contrary to belief that regular beauty regimen includes facemasks and hair oil massages, we bring you simple tips that can transform your looks over few weeks, with very less effort.

Guzzling down a glass of honey and lemon water is a widely recommended beauty hack to glow from within. Kickstart your day, for flushing out the toxins, to attain that clearer skin. And what’s more, this healthy mix of honey and lemon – all thanks to antioxidants, Vitamin C and other nutrients help you lose weight, shed belly fat and improve immunity.

Also Read: Vitamin C – Functions, Food Sources, Deficiencies and Toxicity

The next step is going for some simple breathing exercises and all you need is ten minutes of ‘me’ time. Some simple asanas, coupled with gentle or deep breathing trigger blood circulation, thus promoting skin texture.

While you are at it, grab a cotton ball and dab good amounts of rosewater or milk or coconut oil, curd or honey to cleanse the skin from all impurities. Leave it for some time and then head for a shower.

Then comes moisturization, a step that is often ignored. Applying a good amount of moisturize keeps your skin hydrated and prevent sudden breakout of acne. Got natural aloe vera gel or honey at hand? Apply it on the skin as a thin layer for deep hydration.

Also Read: Healing Benefits Of Honey For Skin Health And Beauty

It is often believed that there is no need to apply sunscreen if you are staying indoors. Wrong. UV rays can penetrate indoors too, and it is often advised to use wide spectrum sunscreen for better protection. Slather it in copious amounts for better protection from harmful UV rays.

And voila! Your morning beauty routine is done and it’s time to head for a successful, happy day at work and home.

Checkout this infographic for more details:

Best morning rituals for beauty