Winter is known for its chill breeze and the nip in the air may tend to weaken your immune system and trigger various health problems. The weather is cooler, days are shorter and most of us hardly find time to do workouts. The seasonal change in weather may affect your physical and mental health and it is also the time for cold and flu season.

Beat all your cold weather woes, be it dry skin, chapped lips or migraines, with these awesome winter care products!

winter care tips

Throughout the winter you may encounter one or other health problems which may havoc your system. Let’s know how winter can affect your health in different ways and take necessary preventive measures to stay healthy and strong.

1. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

The cold, dark and short days of winter may lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It mostly leads to depression and some of the symptoms are sleepiness, increased appetite, pounding pain in the lower extremities, disinterest and social withdrawal.

SAD can be very well managed and treated. Physicians generally, recommend light therapy, regular exercise and cognitive therapy to combat SAD. Also Read: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

2. Dry Eyes Syndrome

Irritation, itching, redness and tired eyes are the symptoms of dry eyes, a condition where the eyes do not produce enough tears. Winter season aggravates the condition due to extreme cold and dry air and heat produced from the heaters.

Proper eye care includes the use of artificial tears, going for a diet rich in vital vitamins and minerals and prescription medications if needed.

3. Migraine

The cooler temperature and dry air are the triggers migraine in most individuals. The change in season can cause an imbalance in the brain chemical serotonin which may worsen a migraine attack.

The best possible way to handle this is to stay indoors during cold weather and limit the exposure to other triggers which may bout a migraine episode. Also Read: Five Common Types Of Headaches: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

4. Skin Changes

Skin is quite likely to become dry in the winter as a result of low humidity both indoor and outdoor. As the air is cold and dry outside the water in the skin is easily evaporated which makes your skin look dry, rigid and flaky.

Some of the effective ways to manage dry skin issues are using proper moisturizer, take a short shower with warm water, stay from hard cleanser and remember to apply sunscreen while going out.

5. Change In Eating Behaviours

The cold weather completely changes the way your body works, it slows down the metabolism, energy levels, food choices defer and an increased temptation to eat more foods.

The ideal way to stay healthy during winter season is to make healthier eating habits which include adding protein rich snack between the meals like whole wheat bread toast with cheese or apple with peanut butter, add more fibre rich foods, go for comfort foods like hot soups over the junk, stay well hydrated and practice the mindful way of eating.


The cold and dark nights of winter may make you lazy and sleepover which can take a toll on your physical, emotional and mental health. It is essential to stay active and healthy, so start with simple indoor workouts like Zumba, yoga and other exercises to boosts the immune system and keep diseases at bay.