Hair loss is a common problem and a beauty concern for many of us. Loose hair lying on the floor or clogging the shower drain is a common sight and unfortunately, severe hair loss is a problem that is being faced by both men and women of all age groups.

On average, an individual loses 80 to 100 strands of hair in a day. But, if you are losing your mane in significant amounts, making the scalp visible, it’s time to address the underlying health conditions.

A person undergoing hair loss may show certain signs like overall thinning of hair and patches on the scalp, sudden loss of a handful of hair.

Unless treated on time, gradual loss of hair might lead to a severe loss of hair or even alopecia. There are several treatment options available but one needs to know the actual cause behind it to get correctly treated.

Here Are A Few Common Causes:

Hair loss Hair Care Regimen


The most common reasons behind hair loss are genetic conditions, hereditary factors or gradual aging. In some individuals, the hair follicles are sensitive to excessive secretion of certain male hormones in the body causing a balding or receding hairline in men and considerable thinning of hair in females.

Thyroid Factor:

The thyroid gland plays an important role in the hair cycle. Both over and under secretion (i.e. hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism respectively) of the thyroid gland interferes in the secretion of the hormones T3 and T4. The imbalance of thyroxine hormone reduces the growth of hair at the root, therefore the falling hair doesn’t get replaced by new hair which causes balding or thinning of hair.

Unwanted Stress:

It’s a fact that excessive physical or mental stress affects the growth of hair and results in shedding of hair in huge amounts. Stress can increase the secretion of androgen (i.e. a male hormone) in the body, which causes excessive hair fall or thinning. A sudden trauma, surgery, high fever, accident or shock can also stop the growth of hair resulting in temporary loss of hair.

Hormonal Imbalance:

A variety of health issues may often cause your hormone levels to go haywire. In females, estrogen hormones play a significant role in stabilising the hair growth cycle. The secretion of this female hormone is erratic during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause or even if one is suffering from thyroid issues, which may ultimately cause alopecia, scalp infections, patchy hair loss, trichotillomania, etc.

Nutritional Deficiency:

A diet deficient in essential vitamins and minerals is also responsible for the loss of hair. Iron is extremely necessary for producing hair cell protein. Lack of it can cause premature hair loss. Vitamin B12 is important for the production of RBC and oxygen flow in the body. A diet being poor in vitamin B12 food sources can also lead to excessive hair loss and hair thinning as due to the lack of oxygen to the hair follicles, the hair shafts loosen and start falling off.

Hair Treatments:

A considerable amount of hair is lost when hair is subjected to harsh chemicals and high temperatures, such as in perming and straightening. Regular use of heat, excessive hairstyling can weaken the hair shafts from the root leading towards hair loss or patchy hair.

Reaction To Medications:

Certain medications or treatment therapy of diseases like diabetes, cancer, cholesterol, blood pressure and heart problems are harmful to the hair causing excessive hair loss as a side effect.

Although several factors contribute towards hair loss, one can incorporate a few hair-care tips and natural remedies to get a stronger and thicker mane and exude confidence.

Well, without further ado, try on this cost-effective hair care ritual with easily available ingredients right at the comfort of your homes.

DIY Hair Care Regimen

Step 1: Oil Massage

Curry Leaf-Kalonji Seeds Hair Oil


10-15 curry leaves

2 tbsp powdered kalonji seeds

100 ml coconut oil


Dry the curry leaves under direct sunlight.

Boil them in coconut oil.

Let it cool, filter and add the powdered kalonji seeds to it.

Keep it undisturbed for 2 days.

Now, apply some of the oil onto your scalp and down to the full-length of hair and massage it for 15 minutes and keep it over-night.

Shampoo and condition your hair next day.

How It Works:

The blend of coconut oil, curry leaves and kalonji seeds is itself potent enough to improve hair growth and prevent loss of hair. Massaging the scalp using this oil on alternate days not only increases blood circulation in the scalp but also promotes new hair growth, prevents premature greying and strengthens the hair shafts from the roots.

Also Read: Top 10 Hair Oils For A Healthy And Lustrous Mane

Step 2: Application Of Hair Mask

Aloe-vera Gel - Banana Hair Mask


1 ripe banana

3-4 tbsp almond oil

2-3 tbsp aloe vera gel

2-3 drops of jojoba essential oil


Blend all the ingredients in a bowl

Apply it evenly onto the scalp and hair.

Keep it on for 45 minutes.

Wash off with a mild herbal shampoo.

Apply a hair serum afterwards.

How It Works:

Imbued with antioxidants and hair-nourishing ingredients, this hair mask is incredible for people facing hair loss woes. While presence of aloe vera gel and almond oil locks in the natural moisture of the scalp, banana makes the hair soft, manageable and shiny. The addition of jojoba essential oil adds an enticing aroma to the hair.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Hair Loss Be Prevented?

No, stopping hair loss ultimately can be difficult, especially if it's due to genetic reasons. However, certain hair care treatments and lifestyle modifications can slow down or reduce hair loss. These include medications, maintaining a wholesome diet packed with hair-friendly nutrients, easing stress, and avoiding damaging hair practices. Sometimes, medical treatments such as hair transplants or laser therapy may be effective.

What Foods Prevent Hair Loss?

Good nutrition and choosing the right foods can support hair health and potentially prevent hair loss by providing vital nutrients. These include:

Spinach, moringa leaves and kale heaped with iron and vitamins A and C.

Almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds contain ample amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

Fatty fishes are loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Eggs are loaded with a good amount of protein and biotin

Berries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins.

Sweet Potatoes are abundant in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A.

Avocados are abundant in vitamin E and healthy fats.

What Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss can develop if your diet is deficient in specific nutrients, including:

Anaemia is one of the leading causes of hair thinning.

Vitamin D deficiency is known to impact the strength of hair follicles.

A lack of biotin (vitamin B7) can result in brittle hair and hair loss.

Zinc deficiency can lead to hair fall.

A lack of good-quality protein in the diet can lead to hair thinning and hair fall.

( This article is reviewed by Sowmya Binu Health and Nutrition Expert )

Author Profile

Soumita Basu:

Soumita Basu holds a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy and is keenly interested in Ayurveda, home remedies, yoga, fitness, diagnostics, and beauty. With nearly 6 years of experience, she produces evidence-based health content, including articles, videos, and infographics, to provide valuable insights to her audience.


Hair Loss: Common Causes and Treatment

T Grant Phillips 1, W Paul Slomiany 1, Robert Allison 1