Amidst of the coronavirus pandemic, the Prime Minister of India had addressed the nation to reassure the citizens on the effective measures taken by the government to fight deadly COVID-19 disease. The PM had made a vehement appeal to all the people of the country to stay at home and avoid travelling to contain the spread of this infectious disease. 

janta curfew

The key to managing coronavirus disease is isolation and a few countries have very well tackled this situation by imposing isolation. It is also the due responsibility of every Indian citizen to abide by the regulations laid by the government by staying at home as much as possible to contain the spread of COVID-19 disease. Coronavirus: All You Need To Know About Home Quarantine Guidelines

The PM had asked the countrymen to follow ‘Janta Curfew’ on March 22, Sunday from 7 am to 9 pm and during this time, no one should step out of their homes, except people involved in rendering essential services can go out. This day is a test to the Indian citizen to show their solidarity and sincere efforts to safeguard our country from the deadly virus. The ‘Janta Curfew’ will show the rest of the world how well we are capable to handle this COVID-19 disease.

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And if you thought, how Janata Curfew will help in containing the virus – here is the logic. According to scientists, the coronavirus survives for almost 12 hours and restraint to not go around in public places for 14 hours would eventually break the chain and help in stopping transmission.

The PM has also asked every individual to take a sincere effort to call at least 10 friends or family members every day to tell them about the Janta Curfew as well as the precautionary measures to avert coronavirus.

All of us are so occupied with our work and we hardly spend quality time with our family members even on a weekend, and most of us are always with mobile or laptop, let us forgo our gadgets and employ this opportunity to have a blissful weekend with our family and also make earnest efforts to be a part ‘Janta Curfew’.

Foray this article to know about 4 fruitful ways you can keep yourself engaged during Janta Curfew:

Cook With Family

Spend your Sunday cooking together with family and bonding over relationships while working together. Cooking together with your kids and spouse at the kitchen to make a nutritious meal gives you a chance to show your cooking skills and also connect well with each other.

Playing Board Games

Playing board games with your family members on a weekend is an ideal way to entertain and develop a healthy competitive spirit among children. This is a simple way to have fun and enjoyment with the family and at the same time boost up the cognitive skills and the best way to beat stress.

Spend Quality Time With Elderly

Spending some quality time with your elderly parents is the greatest gift that they cherish. Since it is not safe to take them out, rather sit with them talk about your old memories, read books for them, going through albums or taking a stroll in your home garden are some of the happiest moments that you can give to your parents. Also Read: COVID-19: How To Care For Elderly Citizens During This Lethal Outbreak

Take A Good Nap

 If you are just wanting to relax or sleep-deprived most of the days due to your busy work, then this is the right time to have a good nap. Evidences have shown that napping or sound sleep can benefit you in various ways including reduces fatigue, uplifts your mood, eases stress, improve your memory and the best time for relaxation.