Lychee popularly known as litchi or lichee is a tropical fruit that is mostly cultivated in the north and north-eastern states of India. This highly nutrient-rich fruit native to India goes by the botanical name Litchi chinensis is also widely found in China and in most of the South-east Asian countries.

Prized for their sweet and pulpy nature, these fleshy succulent fruits can be eaten raw or used widely to whisk in the sweet flavour in ice creams, smoothies, juices, sherbet, jellies and jam. The outer skin is greenish when raw and reddish-pink when ripe and have an oblong shape. The edible inner fleshy part is white in colour and surrounds a dark brown seed.

Litchi for diabetes

Laden with an excellent source of vitamin C, essential nutrients and minerals like copper and potassium, litchis are imbued with host health benefits including weight loss, glowing skin, better digestion and improved blood circulation. Litchis also have a rich source of antioxidants like epicatechin and rutin.

Although Litchi is a treasure trove of health benefits, there comes a question in mind, if litchis can be eaten by diabetic patients?

Are Litchis Good For Diabetics?

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a health condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels in the blood. It mostly occurs if the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cells does not respond to the insulin produced. In either case, it leads to high blood sugar levels which need to be managed by regular exercise and a well-balanced nutritious specific diet.

Generally, people suffering from this chronic ailment should steer clear from any sugary products and foods having a high glycemic index to keep their blood sugar under control. Litchi like any other fruit has good sugar content. It has a glycemic index 50 which causes it to get digested slowly allowing slow release of sugar into the blood. The fibre content also aids to prevent sudden spike in blood sugar level.

Since the natural sugars in litchi are fructose, it can be considered safe as it does not require any insulin for metabolism. It can be consumed in the morning or as a mid-day snack, as the body would break the carbs in it, to produce energy.

But do not consume this fruit after meals or before going to sleep at night since it might spike your blood sugar levels. So, it can be said that litchi can be considered safe for a person having diabetes if eaten in moderation.

Hence, litchis can be added to the diet of a diabetic patient in limited quantities, but one must consult a doctor or nutritionist as to when and how much to have depended upon the recently tested blood sugar levels, so that you can steer clear of the side effects and enjoy its immense benefits.

Bolsters Immunity

The abundance of Vitamin C in litchi offers a magical remedy for uplifting the immune system and fortifying the body against various microbial invasions. The active ingredients in litchi reduces weakness and fatigue and improves the vitality of the various organs. It also improves the function of the adrenal glands which in turn helps in reducing the stress levels.

Promotes Digestion

Imbued with dietary  fibres and showcasing powerful carminative, anti-flatulent and digestive properties, litchi helps in regulating the bowel movement by ensuring its smooth faecal passage through the digestive tract, thus reducing flatulence, bloating, constipation, and abdominal distension. It also stimulates gastric and digestive juices promoting efficient nutrient absorption and treating conditions like indigestion, ulcer, and gastritis.

Improves Blood Circulation

The presence of essential minerals like iron and copper in this wondrous succulent fruit actively helps in the formation of Red Blood Cells. The detoxifying qualities also helps in getting rid of harmful toxins from the bloodstream thereby enhancing blood circulation and promoting oxygenation of the organs and cells.

Other Health Benefits Of Litchi

This pulpy fruit is not only appealing to our taste buds but also vouches for a multitude of health benefits. It improves blood circulation, boosts the immune system, aids in digestion, manages blood pressure, prevents obesity and is also good for getting healthy bones and a crystal clear glowing skin.