Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have a potent role in managing cardiovascular diseases. This type of medication interferes in the production of angiotensin II hormone, leading to relaxation of blood vessels and improves blood flow. These inhibitors then help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of overworking the heart muscles, subsequently lowering the chances of heart attack.

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ACE inhibitors are recommended as the best medication for many patients with various cardiovascular problems. The diseases include; coronary artery diseases, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and high blood pressure. Most common and economical drugs available in the market are; Lotensin, Vasotec, Fosinopril, Accupril, and Trandolapril. Studies have also shown that patients with ischemic and non-ischemic causes in terms of left ventricular dysfunction have benefitted from ACE inhibitor therapy, irrespective of myocardial infarction events. ACE inhibitors help in left ventricular remodeling as well as help reduce enlargement of the left ventricle. ACE inhibitors show cardioprotective actions in acute ischemia, as it has a beneficial effect in reperfusion injury and an overall improvement in contractility of the myocardium, reperfusion arrhythmia reduction as well as other ventricular arrhythmia reduction. Also, ACE inhibitors possibly help scavenge antioxidants, leading to the reduction in oxidative stress and injury.

Thus, these inhibitors help people who have cardiac problems, ranging from high blood pressure to heart failure. They can help reduce the risk of further progression of heart failure to enable a long and comfortable life.