Long-acting beta-agonists (LABAs) are one of the oldest forms of the variety of drug in treating Asthma. Beta-agonists act by stimulating the muscles surrounding the bronchial tubes by relaxation, thus opening the airways wider. On the other hand, long-acting beta-agonists according to researchers are very effective in treating asthma. LABAs are combined with inhaled steroids for long-term control of asthma symptoms. Furthermore, in combination therapy, long-acting beta agonists (LABA) are also combined with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in a single inhaler device for asthma treatment.

Girl using asthma inhaler

Combination therapy for asthma acts as a complementary and synergistic effect in the management and treatment of asthma. The main difference between combination therapy and LABAs is that LABAs comprise of single drug medications while combination therapy uses two drugs together for treating asthma. Combination drugs improve patient compliance and reduce the complexity and morbidity associated with asthma and are more effective than LABAs. Common and economical LABAs drugs include:

  • Foracort
  • Formonide
  • Salmeterol
  • Serevent
  • Advair

On the other hand, common and economical drugs of combination therapy are a combination of:

  • Fluticasone and Salmeterol
  • Budesonide and Formoterol
  • Mometasone and Formoterol and
  • Fluticasone and Vilanterol