Annual exams for all classes are fast approaching and it is a mad competitive world, out there. The beginning of March means a lot to students and their families vying for ‘good marks’ and top slots in the entrance exams.

A girl writing exam

While exams are a part of students’ life, many youngsters get extremely stressed, lose confidence, feel traumatized if they fail to meet their own goals and the expectations of their families, teachers and society.

Psychiatrists, doctors time and again, insist on taking examinations easy and caution against taking extreme steps. With a little planning and discipline, students can face examinations without any fear and perform better.

Here Is How You Can Give Your Exams, Stress Free:


Setting up your priorities straight, time and planning your preparation sessions carefully will help in reducing stress levels and last-minute tensions. Revise all your lessons according to a timetable, try and identify the tough chapters and get started on the revision again. As you complete understanding the subject again and again, note down the important points that you may have to read just days before exams.

To-Do List:

Getting organized and writing down a to-do list will save a lot of time while rushing for towards the D-day. Write down a to-do list, be super prepared and ensure to finish all tasks on time. Finishing set targets daily gives a sense of achievement and boosts confidence. However, take breaks between sessions, go for a small walk or do some deep breathing exercises.

Eat Well and Exercise:

Preparing for exams is no mean task and it is a crucial time in life. Eat healthy food, stay away from junk and avoid outside foods as there is always a chance of food poisoning.  Make sure to exercise at least thrice in a week as good fitness levels make you alert and smarter than ever before.

Get Enough Sleep:

Eat, study and sleep well. Do not get deprived of your regular sleep pattern as it affects mood, leads to excess stress and anxiety. Doctors recommend school going teenagers to sleep up to 8 to 10 hours to feel refreshed. Stick to a regular bedtime and read a good book, listen to music for a relaxed mood and sound sleep.

No To Social Media:

If you are on social media, stay away from it. Posts and interactions on social media can wait, as they provide unnecessary distraction from studies. Give away gadgets to your family, till your exams are done. Most importantly, think positive, develop an encouraging perspective towards writing exams and stay confident.