Losing weight is a common goal for many people, but it's essential to approach it in a healthy and sustainable way. The exact time it takes to shed weight can differ based upon on several factors, including your starting weight, metabolism, and lifestyle habits. Additionally, sustaining weight loss requires long-term commitment and a focus on healthy habits. Here's what you need to know:

 How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

The rate at which a person lose weight can vary, but a safe and sustainable rate is usually considered to be 1-2 pounds per week. Depending on how much weight you have to lose, it could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to reach your weight loss goals.

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How Weight Loss Happens?

Weight loss occurs when there is a consistent calorie deficit, where a person consumes fewer calories than they burn each day. Conversely, weight gain happens when you consistently consume more calories than you burn. All food and beverages that contain calories contribute to your overall calorie intake.

However, the process of calorie expenditure, or burning calories, is more complex. It includes three main components:

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): The calories the body needs to sustain and carry out basic functions like breathing and circulating blood.

Thermic Effect of Food (TEF): The calories used to digest, absorb, and metabolize food.

Thermic Effect of Activity (TEA): The calories burned during physical activity, including exercise and non-exercise activities like gardening and fidgeting.

Well, if your calorie intake equals your calorie expenditure, your weight remains stable. To lose weight, one need to make a calorie deficit by having fewer calories than you burn or increasing physical activity to shed more calories.

Also Read: How To Lose Weight? This Is What You Should Eat And Here’s Sample Indian Diet Chart

Effective Strategies for Losing Weight

Set Realistic Goals

Instead of aiming for a quick fix for weight loss, set realistic goals that are achievable and sustainable.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Focus on eating a wholesome and varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods and excessive sugar and fat.

Exercise Regularly

Include cardio and strength training exercises into your exercise regimen to help burn calories and build muscle.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids can essential help control hunger and prevent overeating.

Sound Sleep

Aim for 7-9 hours of sound sleep per night, as poor sleep pattern can affect your metabolism and appetite.

Manage Stress

Stress is one of the triggers that can lead to overeating, so finding ways to ease stress, such as meditation or exercise, can be beneficial.

Track Your Progress

It is good to maintain a journal and track your food intake, exercise, and weight loss journey to help you stay motivated and accountable.

Strategies For Sustaining Lost Weight

Maintain Healthy Habits: Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep even after reaching your weight loss goals.

Practice Mindful Eating: Focus to your body's hunger and fullness cues, and refrain from eating out of boredom or emotions.

Also Read: Here's The Secret To Maintaining Weight Loss

Stay Active: Keep up with regular physical activity to help maintain your weight and overall health.

Monitor Your Weight: Regularly weigh yourself and adjust your diet and exercise routine to prevent weight gain.

Seek Support: Join a support group or work with a healthcare professional to help you stay motivated and accountable.


Losing weight and keeping it off requires committing to healthy lifestyle changes. By setting realistic goals, adopting healthy habits, and staying consistent, you can achieve and maintain a healthy weight for the long term.


Maintenance of lost weight and long-term management of obesity

Kevin D. Hall, Ph.D.1 and Scott Kahan, M.D., MPH2,3


Weight loss strategies that really workKathryn M Kolasa, East Carolina University, David N Collier, Kathy Cable
