With the COVID-19 infection destroying life on a scale of hitherto undreamt of, people all over the world are a worried lot thinking about the growing increase in the numbers every day. To put a pause at the havoc wreaked by the SARS-COV-2, the entire nation opted for a complete lockdown.

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This stay-at-home time imposed by the government is taken by some as a boon while the rest consider it as a bane. For some, it’s the time they always wanted to have but never got and hence they try spending it with their kids, partners or parents but for those who stay alone due to work or other priorities and couldn’t return home, this sudden lockdown is unimaginably difficult to cope with. Also Read: Mental Health During Coronavirus Lockdown: Useful Tips To Maintain Optimal Well-Being Of The Mind

With no one to share emotions or socialize physically, these stressful situations can have a psychological impact on the person and can ultimately lead to sleep disturbances, anger, anxiety, depression and even PTSD (i.e. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). And for those who are already suffering from some kind of psychological disorder, it is all the more necessary to maintain a normal lifestyle as much as possible, with proper sleep timings, exercise routine, healthy food, and proper medication. Also Checkout: Coronavirus Kit: Did You Pack All These Must-Haves To Combat COVID-19? Infographic
tips for stay-alone person during lockdown

Although it is arduous for a stay-alone person to pass the time, one can try and keep up the positivity by being connected with the near and dear ones. Take time to connect with those long lost friends and relatives whom you hardly call anymore with the pretext of ‘no time’.  Although, you can spend hours watching web series over various online streaming mediums or keep browsing through social media posts. To make this time count for yourself and get something fruitful at the end of this social distancing time, you can try on something new.

Foray through this article to try some of these fun activities to beat the stress during this social lockdown:

5 Industrious Activities To Try At Home

Add Value To Your Resume

The best thing you can do during this self-isolation period is come out having a strong profile. Now that you have some time to spare, you can easily learn some new online courses, get some certifications done, apply for some remote internships, get into research or even take coaching for a particular project. You never know, but you may come out of this isolation with an impressive profile to work with.

Develop A New Hobby

With the busy schedule, we go through daily, most of us don’t have a proper hobby for leisure time and simply waste time lying around. Take this opportunity as a perfect gift to learn something new. It can be anything from gardening, cooking, painting, developing music skills or even learning a new language. You can do whatever that makes you happy and keeps you stress-free.

Hog Up On Books

Reading books is one of the best ways to pass the time since it not only betters up your creativity and imagination but also lowers stress levels and enhances memory. Nowadays, you don’t even have to buy the book you want to read since there are several online applications that offers you free access to a library of books that you can read whenever you want.

Express Your Creative Side

Many a time, we are so busy with work, we hardly realise about anything else. This self-time you are getting, you can make use of it by simply doing something out of the box. You can make a journal of these 21 days, have your blog where you can connect with people having similar difficulties during this lockdown or simply share some DIYs or creative ideas on your social channel.

Pick Up Online Projects

Unlike any of the above, if you are someone who feels positive while working and cannot think of anything beyond that, you can take up online freelancing projects or remote opportunities to kill the time. Working on a project and giving it your best might reap out excellent results and ultimately turn out to be beneficial for the future.

Spring Clean Your Home

For the most of us, juggling between home and work has never given the time and opportunity to clean the house. Cleaning is not only productive but also therapeutic in nature. Several studies show that physical clutter can be a representative of mental clutter. So, if you’ve been feeling a little unproductive or stressed out lately, a thorough spring cleaning of your apartment or room may be beneficial and at the end of it, you’ll feel much more relaxed and comfortable to carry out other activities on the list.

Organize Your Wardrobe

Yes, we know it might be an arduous task that you were most probably postponing it with some excuse or the other. But, now is the time to finally declutter your wardrobe and organize it once and for all. There is always that shirt or top or a pair of jeans that is old or doesn’t fit you anymore, and now is the right time when you can collect those clothes, wash them up and give it to the needy. Trust us when we say, you are not only doing yourself a favour by arranging your cabinet but also helping out those poor and needy people and get a chance to create a smile on their face.

Create A Pandemic Time Capsule

Well, the year 2020 and 2021 is literally a part of a historical century owing to the Covid-19 pandemic and for the most of us to be alive and experiencing it, is pretty spectacular indeed. Years later, when you grow old, you might tell stories about this to your near and dear ones. But why not step it up a notch and create a time capsule. A time capsule is nothing but an archival box of mementoes depicting the timeline of events like newspaper clippings, photographs during the lockdown, your notes of sights and sounds, a bottle of hand sanitizer, a grocery list from quarantine, or your first homemade mask that you choose to collect and preserve for later to literally engrave the memoirs through the years.