Food is essential for living and a vital source of fuel for the body. But during this pandemic times of the ongoing COVID-19 transmission, it can be more than comfort. Food should be wisely stocked and preserved during this time of complete lockdown. Don’t stockpile food in panic rather it is the due responsibility of all the citizens to buy essentials according to the need and make food accessible to all the sections of the population or else there would be millions of people who will starve. Also Read: Healthy Snacks To Eat While On Quarantine And Work Smart From Home

stocking essentials

How To Prep And Plan

It is good to maintain a logbook and note down your usage.
According to the usage, jot down how long the essentials will last.

Always hoard food as per the needs and monitor regularly the stocks available.

This can be accomplished with the support of all the members of the family.

How To Wisely Use The Resources

  • Remember to use the perishable food items first like fresh fruits, vegetables and any meat if stocked.
  • It is a good way to preserve vegetables and fruits in the form of home-made pickles and jams.
  • Most important is to balance the food intake to prevent any nutritional deficiency.
  • Make a list and reserve a supply of non-perishable food items like cereals, pulses, spices, oil and other packed foods.
  • Monitor the food supply periodically and make sure it lasts throughout the lockdown period.

Foray through this article to know about the important foods to be stocked during this lockdown.

Essential Foods To Be Stocked:


Whole grain cereals form the staple food of the Indians, cereals comprise rice, wheat, bajra and all varieties of millets, which contribute to the calories and carbohydrates needs. An adequate amount of cereals in the meal plan renders the body with the needed fuel to stay active, ease stress and boosts stamina and cognitive performance.

As our lifestyle is almost sedentary during this time of lockdown wisely buy and stock whole grain cereals to meet fibre needs which helps to stimulate the digestion process.

Some of the cereals that you should stock include rice, wheat flour, oats, vermicelli, quinoa, bajra, millets, pasta and noodles. Also Read: Protein-Rich Quinoa Recipes To Stay Strong, Fit And Healthy


Legumes/lentils are the protein powerhouse needed for repair, growth and to bolster the immune system. Dried legumes are a good source of fibre and essential vitamins and minerals. Lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, soybeans, split peas and black beans are some of the plant-based protein that forms a healthy pantry and more convenient foods to stock than animal protein.

Spices And Oils

Spices like cumin, mustard, fenugreek, coriander, hing, chilli and turmeric powder, pepper and herbs are the must to add ingredients in the Indian cuisines which adds flavour and promotes digestion. Make a list of available spices and buy ones required.

Salt and sugar renders flavour and taste to the dishes, stock them up as needed.


Cooking oils like sesame, mustard, olive, coconut and groundnut oils are the part of a healthy and well-balanced diet which provide you with a good amount of healthy fats. Be it a curry, crispy fries, sauté vegetables or pickles oils form the base that adds taste, binds the flavour and preserves the food. Buy oils as per your needs, ideally, it should be a combination of oils and recommended usage is half a litre per person per month.


Onions, garlic and shallots are the three essential vegetables to stock up that can keep your gut healthy and also plays a major role in bolstering the immune system, lessens inflammation and keep infections at bay. Remember Indian cuisine is incomplete without onion and garlic, both these vegetables have the amazing potential to add flavour and aroma to the dishes.

Ginger is also an essential herb to stock up, that has the power to promote digestion and treats bloating and flatulence caused as a result of being cooped all day.

Other staple vegetables like carrot, potato, yam, beetroot, brinjal, beans have more shelf-life when compared to greens and water vegetables. Buy vegetables as per the needs.


Fruits are the important source of fibre and bursting with antioxidants and vitamins A, C and B that are well known to bolster the immune system, keep diseases at bay and battles infections. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, kiwi and berries, apples, pears and watermelons are some of the ideal fruits that can be stored in the fridge for a longer period without losing its juicy texture and nutrients.

Nuts And Dry Fruits

Nuts and dried fruits are nutrient-dense storehouses of proteins, healthy fats and essential minerals. These are also good options for healthy snacking during this time of quarantine. Reserve an assorted source of almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, raisins and dates to keep you sane and healthy.