A super succulent, tangy fruit, hawthorns are tiny round berries that thrive on shrubs and deciduous plants belonging to the Crataegus genus which also includes hundreds of species. Commonly found in North America, Europe, and Asia, hawthorns have white or light pink flowers that usually grow in clusters with simple lobed leaves. The shrub contains apple-like pomes in red, orange, blue, or black color. The fruits are edible but mostly used in herbal remedies. Two species that make perfect hedges are the common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and the smooth hawthorn, also known as whitethorn, (C. laevigata). Since antiquity, people have used hawthorn berries as a potent remedy for digestive disorders, high blood pressure, and mild to chronic heart anomalies. The berry has been a key part of the traditional Chinese medicine system as well.

Also Read:  Rowan Berries: Health Incentives, Uses and Nutrition Of This Tiny Juicy Fruit - A Must Try Easy Recipe

Health Benefits Of Haws

Here are some fabulous health benefits this succulent berry offers

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Hawthorn berries may have anti-inflammatory properties that could improve mild to chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been linked with many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, asthma, certain cancers, and liver disease.

May Keep Blood Pressure In Control

In traditional Chinese medicine, hawthorn berry is one of the most recommended foods to help treat and lower elevated blood pressure. Hawthorn berries act as a vasodilator that can relax constricted blood vessels which eventually helps to lower blood pressure

Balances Blood Cholesterol Levels

Plaque buildup or atherosclerosis in the blood vessels can lead to a heart attack or stroke. When it continues to build up, it could completely block a blood vessel. Thanks to its flavonoid and pectin content, (a fiber involved in cholesterol metabolism), hawthorn extracts have helped to improve blood cholesterol levels.

Treats Digestive Issues

For centuries, people have used hawthorn berries and extract to treat digestive issues, particularly indigestion and stomach pain. The berries contain fiber and act as a prebiotic, it has been proven to aid digestion by reducing constipation. Prebiotics are foods that nourish and promote healthy gut bacteria- vital to maintaining healthy digestion.

Prevents Premature Ageing

Skin starts to age due to collagen degradation that is a result of excessive sun or ultraviolet light exposure. Hawthorn berries may help prevent premature skin aging by inhibiting wrinkle formation and increasing skin moisture.

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How To Add Hawthorn To Your Diet?

Raw Berries: With a little tart and a slightly sweet taste, raw hawthorn berries make a great delicious snack if you avoid eating the seeds. They have a toxic component cyanide which may be harmful to health

Jams and desserts: Hawthorn berries can be made into jam, pie fillings, and syrups.

Wine And Vinegar: Hawthorn berries can be fermented into a tasty alcoholic beverage and flavorful vinegar.

Supplements: You can take hawthorn berry supplements in pills or ground them into a convenient powder form.

Tincture: A hawthorn tincture is generally made with leaves, fruits, and flowers. The leaves and flowers are harvested and steeped in alcohol.  After that, it is strained and then preserved.  The decoction gives you benefits that can be long-lasting.

Also Read: Buckthorn: What Makes This Hardy Plant Special? Benefits Of Buckthorn Berry, Side Effects-Juice Recipe Inside

Haws are acidic and tart, but quite pleasant if you add enough sugar and make them into a cordial, liqueur, syrup, or jelly.  A herbal supplement is also sold for irregularities of the heart and high blood pressure. For now, check out this super delicious recipe.

Hawthorn Berry Ketchup
hawthorn ketchup


500 grams of hawthorn berries

250 grams sugar

A pinch of salt

A pinch of black pepper



Wash the berries in cold water

 In a large pan with the water and vinegar bring them to a boil

 Let them simmer until the skins of the berries begin to burst

 Pass it through a sieve to remove skin pieces or skin residue 

Transfer the liquid, add sugar, and place over low heat

Stir so that the sugar gets dissolved

Bring to the boil and simmer until it becomes syrup-like

Season with salt and pepper

Transfer to a clean container

The syrup can be used for six months to one year


The succulent berries are loaded with Vitamin C to fight free radicals and keep oxidative stress at bay. The berries have ample fiber to keep gut health strong. Flavonoids help to keep bad cholesterols at bay.