Haemorrhoids also known as piles, are swollen vein that develops in anus and lower rectum, quite similar to varicose veins. They are categorised as cushions of tissue comprising of blood vessels, muscle and so on. Haemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum or under the skin around the anus. When the veins lining the anal canal and lower rectum swell up, you may find it difficult to defecate stool which results in pain and bleeding.

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Haemorrhoids have several causes, but most often the cause is unclear, it could be genetics to severe constipation that can result in highly uncomfortable health condition. The risk increases in older people and pregnant women. Obesity, poor eating pattern and unhealthy lifestyle are also some of the causative factors that could lead to piles. Also Read: Hemorrhoids: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment


Nearly three out of four adults develop piles from time to time, though not a serious problem and in most cases disappear on their own within a few weeks. It is quite common among people whose jobs involves sitting for long hours, lack of physical activity and ones who are immobile. Some of the symptoms include pain, bleeding in the anus and mostly a lump or a swelling in the area means there are piles. Itching and anal discharge are also common. However, piles in their starting stage can be effectively treated at home.

Home Remedies To Reduce Painful Piles      

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel, the wonder plant is a time-tested natural remedy for treating several skin ailments and health issues. The potent anti-inflammatory effect is beneficial in reducing pain and itching associated haemorrhoids as well as lessen swelling. Witch hazel liquid can be directly applied to the haemorrhoids to get respite. Anti-itch wipes and soaps containing witch hazel are also available.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel has been used since ages for treating haemorrhoids owing to its indispensable medicinal and therapeutic properties. The strong anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera gel may reduce swelling and irritation. For healing, external haemorrhoids apply the gel topically and allow to stay for 10-15 minutes. While for internal piles you can drink aloe vera juice on an empty stomach in the morning which improves digestion and eases constipation. Also Read: Aloe Vera: Medicinal Uses, Benefits For Skin And Hair, Supplements And Recipes

Warm Bath With Epsom Salt

A warm bath can work well in soothing the inflamed haemorrhoids. You can take a sitz bath, which is a small plastic tub that fits over a toilet seat or take a full-body bath in a tub. Studies show that taking a warm bath for 15-20 minutes after a bowel movement is most effective to reduce pain. Adding Epsom salt to the bathwater will soothe and relax anal muscles and also provide relief from itchiness.

Castor Oil

Castor oil has powerful healing properties like antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. This natural oil has the amazing potential to reduce the size of the piles and ease the pain. You can take 3ml of castor oil in milk every night or simply apply it topically on the affected region to get relieved from the symptoms of piles.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil also called melaleuca oil is an excellent natural remedy for healing skin woes and itching. The potent antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil keep the inflamed region germ-free. It is a strong essential oil and can mildly sting hence it should be diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. Apply the oil mixture in the affected region, allow it to stay for 10 minutes and repeat this thrice for best result.


Stool softeners or fibre supplements like isabgol can help treat constipation, add bulk to the stool, soften the stool and make it easier to have painless bowel movements. These supplements come in forms like powders, capsules, and liquids that should be taken 2-3 times a day to regularise bowel functions and also ease symptoms associated with piles. It is also important to drink plenty of water when you are taking these supplements.


Haemorrhoids are simple to treat and most cases settle on their own, however, very rare cases may cause complications. If home remedies are not effective after two weeks, consult a physician. The doctor may recommend prescription medications like creams, ointments and suppositories. If these treatments do not work, then the patient may need surgery to remove haemorrhoids. Seek immediate medical help if you notice rectal bleeding for the first time.