Fur to a pet is what hair is to us. We all love to pamper, style, and groom our tresses to make them look uber cool and of course, maintain our hair health. The more we pay attention to our hair type, texture, and quality, the better the chances of them staying strong and shiny.  Likewise, a dog’s coat is its protective layer, and it means a lot to pets, just like their human friends love their skin and hair. Dogs and cats are indeed very protective of it. Try touching their fur when they are not in the mood to get groomed and they will abhor, grin, and growl. More than anything, grooming a dog’s fur on a regular basis is important for its overall health and well-being. When it comes to dog grooming, you must be mindful of the dog's breed, skin type, fur length, and the density of the hair. Overall, the most important factor affecting how to groom a dog is the type of coat the dog possesses.

Also Read: Coconut Oil For Pets: Benefits Of Applying This Oil On Dog Fur. Surprising Uses And Can You Add It In Their Diet?

How To Choose The Right Grooming Products?

Dogs have different coats, and each type requires a different grooming style and related grooming supplies. Certain dog grooming products are essential for the pet’s hair health, and they cannot be replaced by any human product. To find out the type of coat your dog has, take a close look at his fur. You will be able to identify the coat type in easily.

Also Read: Pet Care: Make Regular Health-Check-up A Practice To Keep Them Free From Diseases

Here are some tips that can help you to figure out what works best for your four-legged friend when it comes to grooming a dog’s coat and keeping it free from tangles

Human Shampoo And Conditioner Is A Big No

The amount of cleansing agents added to these products is based on a human's skin type which is different from that of a dog.  The human shampoo will unbalance the pH levels of their skin, will cause irritation, and increase shedding. Making a pet bathe with your own shampoo is a big blunder and you are inviting trouble for your doggo.

Brush The Coat Often

Depending on the breed of your dog, you may need to brush your pet’s coat. It takes ten to fifteen minutes a week to give any dog breed a good brush no matter what breed they are. Get those knots out before they become hard. Unlike short-haired breeds, dogs with long hair need a lot more maintenance.

Choose The Right Pet Shampoo And Pet Conditioner

Certain pet shampoos and conditioners may be too harsh for dogs despite they are meant for them. Some pets have sensitive skin, and they may not be able to handle a normal shampoo which causes skin issues. Choose wisely and be cautious of any skin conditions or sensitivities that your dog may have. Do a small patch test and stop using if you notice any allergy on the pet’s skin. Replace it with a milder version.

Brush And Bathe With Utmost Care

When it comes to brushing and bathing, short-haired dogs do not need as much maintenance as long-haired dogs do. Short-haired dogs do not need to be brushed very often because their fur is short, Mostly, they will not have problems with tangles after they are given a bath.

Choose The Right Brush

The bristles on every brush are different. Some are tough, sharp, and designed to work through long hair to remove tangles and some are soft. Never use a grooming brush on a short-haired dog that is designed for dogs with long hair and vice versa.