It’s time to breakup with burgers guys. We know that hunger pangs, sudden food cravings mostly owing to stress or sudden fatigue, can hit without a warning.  And in many cases, we tend to go for fatty, oily and greasy foods to satisfy the appetite because it’s the easy thing to do. But this kind of unhealthy diet can halt your journey towards fitness, besides denying all the good nutrients your body would need.

It is also not uncommon for us to put the blame on the lack of healthy snacks available in the market and we do understand how tough it is to whip up nutritionally rich dishes at home, every other day. If you are facing a dilemma about how to include a low-carb, low-fat yet rich in vitamins and protein diet into your routine, may we suggest trying health bars?
Girl eating healthbar

Also known as granola bars, these health bars are made from all-natural ingredients including nuts, seeds, honey, oats and grains.  They top the list of readily available health foods, especially for those always on the go, regular gym goers, athletes and all those fitness freaks out there. These bars are a quick fix to beat fatigue and up your energy levels.

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How Are Health Bars Made?

These bars usually consist of rolled oats, dry fruits, organic honey, seeds like sunflower, flaxseed, sesame and grains. Generally, gluten-free without any processed sugars, these bars are a powerhouse of various vitamins and can be enjoyed by all age groups. Mixed with honey, maple syrup or other sweeteners, they are pressed into the shape of bars and then baked. A few health bars made from pulpy dates are available sans any baking. 

So, here’s how health bars help you.

Ideal Pre and Post Workout Snack:

Nutritional bars are loaded with fibre and protein that can keep you satiated for longer hours. Bite into these snacks to fuel the body before hitting the gym and for building new muscle tissue and repair the strained muscles post intense workouts.

Reduces Cholesterol:

Health bars are an ideal snacking option for those suffering from cardiovascular issues, especially those combating high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). The soluble fibre in these products aid in reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, keep the arteries healthy and ensure stronger heart function. Also Read: Amazing Foods To Reduce LDL Cholesterol - Infographic

Fights Anaemia:

If you are one of those fighting low levels of haemoglobin, include health bars in your daily diet. Dry fruits, honey, seeds and grains are a rich source of iron and other vital components. Being anaemic can cause various health problems like severe fatigue, mood swings and low energy levels and if not addressed immediately, can lead to other chronic conditions.

Also Read: Anemia: 5 Awesome Natural Remedies To Boost Your Iron Levels

Keeps Skin and Hair Healthy:

The health of skin and hair depends on your food intake and these bars are an ideal way to provide the body with vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin E which is abundantly available in nuts and seeds. One bar can meet up to 20% of your recommended daily dose of Vitamin E, giving you glowing skin and a stronger mane.

Aids in Weight Loss:

Granola bars are easy to carry and are available year-round. Being low on sodium and carbs, these are ideal for those on a weight loss journey. It reduces water retention while the fibre keeps you satiated for longer hours thus preventing mid-day hunger pangs.