Diwali, well-known as the “Festival of Lights”, is one of the important festivals in India, where one gets to indulge in mouth-watering desserts and savouries and remain guilt-free about it. Although these sweet cravings might seem to satisfy your tummy and soul during festive celebrations, it also gives stomach problems, bloated tummy and skin issues.

Now that, all those late-night card parties, going to relative’s place wearing ethnic dresses, colouring and lighting up the house with Rangoli and munching on goodies is over, all of us feel a little bloated and probably would have gained a little weight.

post diwali weight loss tips

But it is not just the extra weight one tends to pack during this festive season, but also the difficulty the body can face in digesting and assimilating the foods prepared during the festivities which are high in fats, sugar and carbohydrates. The festive season right from Navratri till Diwali washes up a year’s worth hard work in maintaining your diet and body.

But if you are fretting about the extra weight gain, want to shed those extra kilos and get back in shape, this article is for you.

Start Your Day With A Detox Drink

Detoxing the body is one of the latest trends in removing the harmful toxins from the body. The human body has many natural pathways to remove toxins like liver, urine, faeces, sweat, and more. Include freshly squeezed lemon, grapefruit, honey or apple cider vinegar in the detox drink to shed those extra kilos. Try having the detox juice on an empty stomach in the morning to speed up the weight loss process. Also read: Detox Drinks To Cleanse Your Body From Within

Include Fresh Fruits And Vegetables In Your Diet

In order to cleanse your body from the atrocities of the high-calorie festive diet, try going green for at least 2 weeks. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily regimen. The buck load of toxin build in your body to the regular intake of sweets and fried foods have already caused a lot of trouble for the tummy. The essential nutrients and fibres in the veggies and fruits effectively remove the toxins and give you a clean and healthy palate.

Steer Clear Of Fried and Sugary Food

As you have already gorged on a high amount of sweets and savoury during the entire festivities right from Dussehra to Diwali, its high time to say a complete ‘NO’ to all sort of sugary or fried goodies. Avoid all sorts of sugary items, which also includes sweetened tea, coffee, fruit juices, mint gums etc. Since your body is already coping with the extra sugar and oil from the food you ate, refraining from them for quite some time should be your main target to get back to shape.

Intermittent Fasting

Although there are several ways to lose weight, intermittent fasting is the new fad. It mostly includes a normal diet incorporated with short bursts of fasting. One of the key benefits of intermittent fasting is that the short fasting in between meals helps the body to use up the extra fat to produce energy for various bodily functions and activities. Select a specific type of intermittent fasting from a wide range of methods like 5:2 diet, 16:8 diet or alternate fasting days depending upon your body requirement to lose the extra kilos. Also Checkout: Incredible Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting You Should Know

Incorporate Exercises

Apart from eating healthy and refraining from sugar, one must diligently incorporate exercises in their daily routine to shed weight faster. A daily workout of 30 to 40 minutes including either aerobic exercises, zumba, yoga or simply walking or skipping effectively allows your body to burn fat faster.

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www.netmeds.com Wishes All Its Customers A Very Happy And Safe Diwali