Gallstones are hard deposits that form due to excess build-up of bile salts in the gallbladder. There are two types of gallstones - cholesterol gallstones (most common and made up of cholesterol) and pigment gallstones (made up of excess bilirubin). It is a condition that affects a large proportion of people, mainly the elderly and women. Gallstones are not discovered until they result in intense pain.

Gallstones can cause intense pain in the upper right part of the stomach. It happens when there is a build-up of cholesterol and inadequate bile to saturate the cholesterol, which forms a crystal ball. The pain would eventually radiate to the back and up to the shoulder blade. In women, hormonal changes during pregnancy and factors like obesity may increase the chance of gallstone formation. Nausea, vomiting, light-coloured or grey stool and diarrhoea are the common symptoms of gallstones.

There are various reasons why gallstones are formed, which include:

  • The liver secretes more bile than it can dissolve
  • The body makes excess pigment bilirubin that cannot be dissolved.
  • Gallbladder is unable to empty completely

Surgery is the most common treatment option for gallstones, but natural remedies also help. Discuss with your healthcare provider before trying home remedies to treat gallstones. As your physician may advise you on the right treatment options. However, if you have yellowing of eyes, fever, chills, and intense abdominal pain then seek immediate medical help.

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Amazing Home Remedies For Gallstones


What Do You Need?

½ tsp turmeric

½ tsp honey

How To Do?

Blend equal quantities of turmeric with honey and have it daily to eliminate gallstones from the system.

How Often Should I Have This?

Have this mixture daily for improving gallbladder health and functions.

How Does It Work?

Turmeric is a key ingredient used widely in culinary and traditional medicines since times immemorial. The potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions of its active compound curcumin help in enhancing the solubility of bile. Having this mixture will prevent stone formation.
Gallstones remedies

Milk Thistle

What Do You Need?

1 tbsp milk thistle seeds

3 cups of water

1 tsp honey

How To Do?

Ground the milk thistle seeds and boil well.

Allow milk thistle steep in hot water for 10-15 minutes.

Strain the infusion, add honey and have this.

How Often Should I Have This?

You can have this infusion twice to thrice daily.

How Does It Work?

Milk thistle is used as a natural cure for ages for cleansing the liver as well as gallstone prevention. The active plant compound silymarin shrinks the gallstones and also alleviates pain. You can also add this herb to salad and other natural juices.

Lemon Juices

What Do You Need?

1 tsp lemon juice

1 glass of lukewarm water

How To Do?

Mix lemon juice with water and drink this concoction on an empty stomach.

How Often Should I Have This?

You can have about 3 to 4 glasses of lemon water in a day.

How Does It Work?

Lemon juice contains vast quantities of vitamin C, which acts as a potent antioxidant and offers protection against the formation of gallstones.

Also Read: 6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon And Honey Water


What Do You Need?

¼ cup cranberry

Water as required

How To Do?

Blend cranberry with water to make juice, dilute it water if you feel very acidic and consume it.

How Often Should I Do Have This

Drink this juice daily to keep healthy functioning of the gallbladder and prevent gallstone formation.

How Does It Work?

The goodness of dietary fibre in cranberry juice aids in diminishing the cholesterol levels in the system, thus averting the formation of cholesterol gallstones. And for pigment stones, the acidic nature of the juice will assure that bile flows via the system to avert build-up. Further, the richness of antioxidants will maintain the gallbladder and liver in good health.

Also Read: Dried Cranberries: Health Benefits, Nutrition, Uses For Skin And Hair, Recipes, Side Effects

Coconut Oil

What Do You Need?

3 tablespoons coconut oil

1/4 glass of apple juice

1 tsp lemon juice

1 crushed garlic clove

I inch ginger

How To Do

Mildly warm up the coconut oil and add all other ingredients to it and blend well.

Drink this mixture once a day regularly.

How Often Should I Do This

Drink this daily for several weeks.

How Does It Work?

Coconut oil is bestowed with essential monosaturated fatty acids that can be readily digested by the liver. Drinking this mixture helps to prevent the build-up of fat, cholesterol and bile salts in the gallbladder.

Caution: The above home remedies are not recommended for all patients. We advise patients to seek proper diagnosis and treatment from a medical expert to avert complications caused by gallstones.