Food intolerance is a condition where intestines find it difficult to digest food. Unlike food allergies, this condition is non-IgE induced hypersensitivity to food and most of the food intolerances are caused due to dairy products, gluten and food containing preservatives and artificial products.
Food Intolerance

The signs and symptoms of food allergy and food intolerance may overlap. However, it may take longer hours for symptoms of food intolerance to flare up after eating food.

 Signs and Symptoms Of Food Intolerance:

  • Bloated Stomach
  • Migraine
  • Headaches
  • Cough
  • Weakness
  • Stomach cramps
  • Irritable bowel.

Food intolerance may occur due to the absence of a digestive enzyme and it may differ from patient to patient. For example, people with lactose intolerance lack lactase, an enzyme metabolizing milk sugar into small molecules for intestinal absorption. Some food and beverage chemicals, the presence of histamines and salicylates, and toxic effects of naturally occurring chemicals may cause food intolerance in some individuals.

Lactose, wheat, gluten, caffeine, histamine, and artificial sweeteners are commonly known types of food intolerances.

In order to treat food intolerance, doctors' may advise avoiding eating food that is triggering the symptoms.

The only way to prevent the condition is by finding the source that is causing intolerance and adjusting dietary plans accordingly.

Measures To Ease Symptoms

The following measures can help to alleviate the symptoms caused by food intolerance

Using Antacids And Antidiarrheals

These are effective over-the-counter medicines that can be extremely soothing to get rid of certain discomforts caused by food intolerance. Antidiarrheals can treat sudden diarrhoea by slowing down the movement of the gut and antacids are effective over-the-counter medications that help neutralize stomach acid.

Consuming Lactose-Free Milk

Lactose intolerance is one of the major types of food intolerance. The best way to deal with this issue is to consume lactose-free milk and dairy products. Alternatively, you can also buy lactase enzymes and lactase pills before consuming dairy products to break down the lactose content.

Eliminating Certain Food Items

Eliminating or cutting down some products for four to six weeks can help to soothe food intolerance symptoms. However, people who cut back on gluten may need to consume ample vegetables, fruit, and gluten-free whole grains to make sure they get enough fibre and other nutrients such as B vitamins in their daily food.