Bhumi Pednekar, the talented Bala actress who started her film career portraying an overweight housewife has not only won our hearts with her praiseworthy acting skills but also for her inspiring weight loss journey.

bhumi pednekar weight loss journey

While most of the actresses in the movie biz choose hardcore workouts to achieve that perfect shape for their debut movie, this talented, versatile actress chose to put on more weight for her first debut role in Dum Laga Ke Haisha. However, determined to stay fit, Bhumi went on a well-planned weight loss journey and lost 32 kilograms in six months, which impressed both Bollywood fraternity and her fans alike. 

Bhumi always wanted to lose weight in a healthy natural way and never resorted to fad diets and extreme weight loss regimens. She believes in eating healthy home-cooked meals, choosing a well-balanced diet and turning to home remedies for her skin and hair.

Well, if you are wondering about the secret behind her slim and toned body, this article brings you her diet tips and exercises that helped her lose weight.

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Do Not Starve Yourself

Being a total foodie, the Bala actress believes that one cannot lose weight by starving and crash dieting. Her mantra rather is to remain in a happy state of mind, opt for green veggies and go for healthier food choices. Bhumi strictly believes in eating everything but in smaller portions. Also Checkout: Top 5 Super Foods To Achieve Weight Loss - Infographic

Say A Complete ‘No’ To Sugar

Bhumi avoids sugary treats in order to cut down on calories. Avoiding sugar helps in not only losing weight but also evade several health complications and diseases like diabetes," she says.

Opt For Home-Cooked Meals

The versatile actress doesn't believe in diet plans either. This food-lover vouches by homemade food for its healthy, nutritional content. Says Bhumi, "Eat local and homecooked. Ghar Ka Khaana is healthy, filling and will also help you resist the temptation of eating junk food. If you are eating out, be mindful of calories." 

Exercise Is Must

Bhumi’s intense fitness regimen includes alternate cardio and weight training for maintaining weight and to improve muscle mass and body strength. However, she also advises her fans that if one cannot make it to the gym, try doing some physical activities like yoga, squats, brisk walking, sit-ups or even dance. Also Read: HIIT: 5 Incredible Health Benefits Of High Intensity, Killer Workout

Set Targets You Can Achieve

Bhumi also strictly suggests selecting a target number for weight loss, one can actually achieve. "We all differ in metabolic activity. Do not over-exercise or go for extreme diet plans as they can play havoc with your health," cautions the actress.