Garcinia Cambogia is a popular weight loss ingredient and supplement among all age groups! The tiny fruit also known as Malabar tamarind or Garcinia gummi gutta is studied extensively for its weight loss benefits.

Garcinia Cambogia For Weight Loss

Our struggle towards achieving perfect numbers on weighing scale is endless and we need to be on the right direction to reach and maintain our goal.

It is advisable to follow regular physical activity, follow the diet religiously and give time to our self and to our body to adapt to the change. But, along with the lifestyle change, we need that extra push, which can support our weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia is one such ingredient which when taken in the form of dietary supplement, helps to suppress our appetite to help us consume lesser calories. Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a derivative of citric acid, which is an active component found in abundance in Garcinia Cambogia.

Hydroxycitric acid exerts its potent anti-obesity effect by inhibiting storage of fat in the cells and rather utilizing in the form of energy, thus slowing down the production and storage of cholesterol and free fatty acids; and exerts its affect on weight management by giving the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. Thus, HCA works best for both weight management and anti-obesity factor.

Extensive research done on Garcinia Cambogia observed that a supplement having 50% - 60% of HCA has a positive impact on weight loss. Apart from weight loss, it works efficiently in helping you burn more visceral fat, controls your cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.

The long history of the use of Garcinia/HCA and comprehensive scientific evidence had shown “no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL)” at levels up to 2800 mg/day, suggesting its safety for use.