It has not been very long since the world saw the SARS-CoV-2 virus engulfed us enormously and started to spread across the globe. As we are still fighting the ongoing battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, a new virus known as Eris has emerged on the global stage.  We all are aware that all kinds of viruses mutate at some point in time. Lately, a new strain called EG.5; primarily a descendant of Omicron has started to spread its wings and has been infecting people much more intensely than any other single strain has had so far. The article deals with what you need to know about EG.5 and separates facts from myths, besides providing essential information for a better understanding of this new strain.

Also Read:  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome/MERS-CoV: Causes, Symptoms And Ways To Prevent Infection

Nicknamed after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, the Eris strain of the Omicron variant was first identified by a team of virologists in China in February 2023 while they were investigating a spike in respiratory illnesses. During the research, initial genetic sequencing revealed that Eris belongs to the same family as the COVID-19 virus. Its rapid spread in 51 countries in a short period made them get into detail and scrutinize its potential implications on public health.
Eris 5


Symptoms of Eris are like those of Covid variants, and they can be one or all of the following:

  • Fever
  • Respiratory distress
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache

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Diagnosing EG.5 Infection

Diagnostic tests such as PCR and rapid antigen tests can help to confirm the presence of the virus and provide guidance on appropriate medical care when infected with EG.5.

Precaution and Prevention

Being a relatively new strain and the absence of a comprehensive understanding of precautionary measures, there is limited information on how to prevent ourselves from this strain. However, to minimize the spread of the Eris virus, following general hygiene practices such as regular handwashing, wearing masks in crowded places, and maintaining physical distance remains essential. So far, EG.5 has not set off any huge alarms as far as disease severity is concerned, though reports show it may be more transmissible. Taking precautions is always important, especially if you are at higher risk due to being elderly, are immunocompromised, or have underlying medical conditions, such as obesity or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). Early detection and prompt medical attention are vital in managing the impact of the Eris virus.

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WHO Recommendation

While uncertainties persist, currently, the World Health Organization is at the forefront of providing evidence-based guidance for dealing with the Eris virus and guidelines on a wide range of matters including surveillance, laboratory testing, case management so on and so forth. Staying updated with WHO's recommendations is crucial for individuals as well as for healthcare professionals. The emergence of the Eris virus highlights the ongoing need for vigilance and adaptability so that we can face threats and problems that may come due to this deadly virus. Staying informed, following recommended precautions, and supporting research efforts are key steps we can all take to navigate these challenging times.

A Word Of Caution

As with any emerging health concern, there can be accurate information and misleading myths surrounding the Eris virus. It is crucial to rely on verified sources and reputable health organizations for accurate information. Hopefully, in the future, health authorities may come up with and recommend additional precautions based on evolving research.